Pentagon Report: Tempest in a Teacup?

February 27, 2004
The authors of the secret Pentagon global warming report now say they were only reporting a "worst case" scenario. Futurologist Peter Schwartz says that "unlikely though such events are, such studies are valuable?as valuable as if, say, someone in the... continued

Crop Circles Spread to Poland

February 27, 2004
Crop circles, which used to be seen mainly in the U.K., have started turning up in fields all over the world. For the past three years, crop circles have been appearing in the small village of Wylatowo in Poland. Just... continued

How Dangerous is Bird Flu to Humans?

February 26, 2004
It's almost inevitable that the Asian bird flu virus will eventually mutate into a form that humans can pass to one another. When that happens, it will spread rapidly around the world, just as SARS did. So we need to... continued

Old Churches Reveal Early Knowledge of Astronomy

February 26, 2004
Scientists are discovering that there are representations all over the Earth that accurately depict the positions of the stars in the sky, as they looked at the time when these buildings and earthworks were created. Archeologists didn't understand why the... continued

Sun Spots Start Again?Bigger Than Ever

February 26, 2004
A few months ago, we posted several stories about huge solar flares. Since the sun periodically has cycles of sun spots, which disrupt cell phone communications and pose a hazard for astronauts on spacewalks, why should this be a problem?... continued

Should Gay Marriage Be Allowed?

February 26, 2004
In our new poll, you can choose from: No, and there should be a constitutional amendment forbidding it; No, but states should have the right to decide; Yes, but states should have the right to decide; Yes, as a basic... continued

Ghost of a Fireman

February 25, 2004
A fireman noticed that a security camera at a tire shop in La Joya may have captured the image of a ghost. Fire chief Richard Flores says, "[After a recent fire,] we had one of the firefighters taking pictures?and when... continued

The Haunted Wine Box

February 25, 2004
A haunted wine box has just been sold on eBay. Learn all about it?and decide whether or not you believe it?by clicking here. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued

Animals Choose Their Children’s Sex?Why Can’t We?

February 25, 2004
Some mammals, such as zebras, gazelles, deer and goats, can adjust the sex of their offspring?something human parents have been trying to do for many years. They produce males when conditions are good for childbearing, and daughters at less favorable... continued

Another Close Call

February 25, 2004
It has just been revealed that on January 13, astronomers came within a few minutes of telling the world that an asteroid was about to impact the Earth. Asteroid expert Clark Chapman says it was a "nine-hour crisis." It was... continued