Cars Rebel in Nevada

February 24, 2004
Last week, automobiles in part of Nevada seemed to think for themselves. Locksmiths, car dealerships and towing companies were flooded with calls from people who said their keyless entry devices didn't work. In, Juliet V. Casey, J.M. Kalil and... continued

Sales of Human Skin and Sex Organs in Africa

February 24, 2004
Tanzania is trying to stop the sale of human skin. At an international business fair there, visitors will see a gruesome exhibit of human body parts in the government's effort to discourage the underground trade in human skin. And nuns... continued

Dogs Stolen for Use in Dog Fights

February 24, 2004
Chewed, discarded bodies of dogs have been found for years in the Arizona desert. Now local sheriffs have learned these are pets that were stolen and used as "bait" in dog fights. Maryann Mott writes in the National Geographic News... continued

Secret Pentagon Global Warming Report

February 23, 2004
The Pentagon's secret climate report warns that in next 20 years, there could be a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters. Major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas and Britain will have a... continued

Multiple Sightings of a Strange Kind

February 23, 2004
As part of our new Communion Letters series, Robert writes: One of the most amazing discoveries I have had in the last few years was on the NBC broadcast of Confirmation. On that program you divulged a story involving police... continued

Housecats Getting Bird Flu

February 23, 2004
In Asia, bird flu has jumped to new species, killing three house cats and infecting a white tiger in a Thailand zoo. Since there is also bird flu in the U.S., the virus will probably jump to other species here... continued

Have We Got Bin-Laden Surrounded?

February 23, 2004
The Sunday Express in England says Osama bin-Laden has been located and is surrounded by U.S. special forces in a mountainous area bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan. They say bin-Laden has been "sighted" for the first time since 2001 and is... continued

Despite Hoaxes, Many UFO Photos Appear Real

February 20, 2004
The Evening Herald in Plymouth, England is calling this photo the best picture of a UFO ever taken. There have also been other excellent photos taken recently, both in the daytime and at night. The amateur photographer who took the... continued

Anniversary of Eisenhower Mystery Disappearance

February 20, 2004
Fifty years ago, on February 20, 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower was mysteriously missing for a day during a golf vacation in Palm Springs, California. The legend is that he made a secret trip to a nearby Air Force base to... continued

Mad Cow Madness Exposed on Dreamland

February 20, 2004
On our Dreamlandscience report this week Linda Moulton Howe interviews Mad Cow expert Giuseppe Legname, who says that U.S. efforts to control this disease are so bad, he's stopped eating meat. Dave Louthan, who actually killed the mad cow on... continued