Spontaneous Italian Fires Supernatural?

February 13, 2004
Fires have been breaking out spontaneously on the island of Sicily recently, and in 1990, the same thing happened near Venice. Twenty years ago, similar fires in Italy were blamed on the supernatural powers of a woman who was put... continued

Gay Animals are Common

February 13, 2004
If homosexuality is an unnatural choice, how come so many animals are gay? Gay advocates say if homosexual behavior occurs in animals, it must be natural, and therefore gays should have the same civil rights as heterosexuals. Animal researcher Frans... continued

Why You’re Loyal or Play the Field

February 13, 2004
Scientists are trying to figure out why some people loyal mates for life while others can't commit. Neuroscientist Gareth Leng says it's all because of oxytocin. Leng says the hormone works by "changing the wiring" of billions of brain circuits,... continued

What Will Happen When ET Arrives

February 12, 2004
What will we do if ET contacts us? The International Academy of Astronautics in Paris has a list of volunteer astronomers who are willing to help. In the U.S., an international agreement called the "Declaration of Principles Concerning Activities Following... continued

Spontaneous Fires Break Out in Italy UPDATE: It Happened Before

February 12, 2004
Fires have broken out in part of a Sicilian village, and no one can figure out what's causing them. It can't be electricity, since the power has been cut off. Despite this, washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators, electricity meters and cables... continued

When Religion Kills Children

February 12, 2004
When we think of killing in the name of religion, we think of 911, but there is more than one way to do it. Two children in two different states in the U.S. have been killed by exorcists recently. In... continued

Worried About Bioterrorism? Add Roaches and Mice to Your Kitchen

February 11, 2004
Ordinary things are being bio-engineered to do extraordinary tasks. You may think roaches and mice are revolting, but if they can help detect bioweapons, you may actually want to have them around in the future. Michael Stroh writes in Popular... continued

Man Wants to Contact Other UFO Witnesses

February 11, 2004
The Sunday paper in Darwin, Australia had a classified ad that read: "In 1972, I saw a UFO at 5 am over Darwin airport with 3 other gentlemen. After 31 years I would like to make contact again with the... continued

How Farming Can Reverse Climate Change

February 11, 2004
We recently wrote about how the world survived past global warming. More rain and higher sea levels eroded leached calcium and magnesium from rocks into the ocean, where it became bound to the dissolved CO2, forming the harmless substance calcium... continued

Your Birthday Can Affect Your Health

February 10, 2004
For some reason, certain diseases are more common in people born during certain times of the year. Some of these connections are truly baffling?like why schizophrenia is more common in people born in the winter, and learning disabilities are more... continued