William Henry Sale?Only One Week Left!

February 5, 2004
We've taken a dollar off all William Henry's books, including his newest, Oracle of the Illuminati, in which William tells us that Jesus, Leonardo da Vinci and artist Salvador Dali all shared one of the world's greatest secrets. But hurry?this... continued

Candidates Belong to Same Secret Society

February 4, 2004
Regular Dreamland guest Jim Marrs says that we only think we vote for our leaders?the world is really run by a secret international cabal. While we don't like to believe this at election time, the fact that the leading Presidential... continued

Mad Cow Man Reveals Government Lie

February 4, 2004
In the February 3 New York Times, Donald G. McNeil interviewed Dave Louthan, who slaughtered the cow on December 9 that was later discovered to have had Mad Cow Disease. He disputes the official statement that the diseased cow was... continued

Why International Flights Cancelled

February 4, 2004
Robert Uhlig writes in the (U.K.) Telegraph that flights from Europe to the U.S. are being cancelled lately due to fears that a "suicide bomber" who intentionally contracted a deadly, contagious disease, such as smallpox, is planning to board one... continued

Bird Flu: We May Have Lost the Race

February 3, 2004
We recently wrote about the race to stop bird flu before it mutates, making it possible to be passed between humans. Now it looks as if that race has been lost, since two sisters who died of bird flu in... continued

UFOs Seen by Aviation Experts

February 3, 2004
Alfonso Salazar and Salvador Guerrero, aviation technicians in Mexico, say they shot videos of eight UFOs as they flew over Mexico City's International airport on Saturday. Since they work with planes, they knew these were not ordinary aircraft. And something... continued

How Earth Survived Past Global Warming

February 3, 2004
Scientists in the U.K. have figured out how the Earth recovered from a sudden episode of global warming during the time of the dinosaurs. This could help us understand how to survive the upcoming climate change. Global warming caused the... continued

Learning to Make Contact

February 3, 2004
In one of our new Communion Letters, Nicholas writes: "I really don't know whether or not I had a so-called UFO sighting, but it has changed my opinion about what we are." NOTE: This news story, previously published on our... continued

Juggling Changes the Brain

February 1, 2004
The brains of jugglers are larger than those of non-jugglers, but if you stop juggling, your brain will return to normal size. Researchers gave brain scans to 12 people who had learned to juggle and found that the areas of... continued

Chupacabras Living in Abandoned Mines in Chile

February 1, 2004
Abandoned gold mines that date from the 1950s in Chile could be harboring chupacabras that have a kangaroo-shaped body and a muzzle that resembles a wolf. They are fearless and attack local livestock and wild animals. H NOTE: This news... continued