Do You Know What Sex You Are?

January 28, 2004
President Bush has criticized professional athletes for using steroids. These were heavily used in the former East Germany, to the extent that one female athlete, who was given steroids from a young age, decided to have an operation to become... continued

Colin Andrews Photo

January 28, 2004
Colin Andrews reports that he took this photo at an approximately one minute exposure, using the ?B? setting at F11-16 on a Chinon 35 mm camera. Film was 100 ASA Fuji, high definition film. The object in the picture was... continued

Multiple Witness UFO Sighting in Canada

January 28, 2004
In Canada, Danielle Cormier read about a UFO sighting in the Times & Transcript newspaper, and realized that she, along with 3 friends, had watched the same object for 45 minutes. Charles Perry of the Canada Times & Transcript writes... continued

Joan of Arc Not Burned at Stake

January 28, 2004
First we learned that Billy the Kid was not shot by Pat Garrett, but lived to an old age. Now anthropologist Sergey Gorbenko says Joan of Arc was not burned at the stake, but lived to be 57 years old.... continued

Terrorists Getting Ready for Olympics

January 27, 2004
Athletes from countries around the world are getting ready to compete in the August, 2004 Olympics in Greece, and terrorists from around the world are getting ready to stage attacks there. Some of these terrorist groups are even cooperating with... continued

Will Presidential Votes be Questioned?Again?

January 27, 2004
Just in time for the upcoming Presidential election, computer scientists are saying that the new electronic voting machines can be hacked. Several states have already purchased these machines. Celeste Biever writes in New Scientist that the Diebold Electronic voting machines... continued

Top CEOs Discuss UFOs

January 27, 2004
The possibility of extraterrestrial life was discussed at the recent World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland. This group includes high-powered world leaders such as Vice President Dick Cheney and the chairman of Coca Cola. Craig Copetas writes in Bloomberg... continued

History’s Greatest Disaster has Begun

January 27, 2004
In his new journal, Whitley writes: "The greatest environmental catastrophe in recorded history is now unfolding. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute has announced that the North Atlantic Oscillation is failing, and, along with it, the Gulf Stream...Polar waters are becoming... continued

The Race to Stop Bird Flu Before it Mutates

January 26, 2004
In Vietnam and Thailand, authorities are trying desperately to stop bird flu from spreading, before the virus becomes able to be passed from person to person and causes an epidemic much larger than SARS. Right now, it can only be... continued

Cameras Capture UFOs

January 26, 2004
A security camera captured the image of a UFO slowly falling in the sky over Kansas City on January 14. This is the "falling leaf" motion often reported by people who see UFOs. In North Carolina, a reporter interviewed several... continued