Permanent Winter Coming Soon

January 26, 2004
The media still doesn't understand global warming. Last summer, when people were dying from the hot weather in Europe, they wrote about the world warming up. Now, when incredibly harsh winter weather is sweeping across the northern hemisphere, they deny... continued

With Aliens, Keep Your Sense of Humor

January 26, 2004
As part of our ongoing series of new Communion Letters, we present the adventures of Cecilia from South Africa, who has used irony and humor to chase away unwanted Visitors. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site,... continued

Adopt an HRT Horse

January 24, 2004
We recently reported that thousands of the specially kept pregnant mares that produce the urine used for human hormone replacement therapy are being slaughtered for horse meat, now that millions of women are going off HRT. Many extra foals will... continued

The Holographic Universe

January 23, 2004
In Confirmation, Whitley eulogized his dear friend Michael Talbot, author of The Holographic Universe: "The key to the new way of thinking I was seeking was handed to me by a dying man. He brought me as close to the... continued

SOHO Satellite UFO Photo

January 23, 2004
This is the SOHO solar image containing the apparent UFO, as discussed in the Unknowncountry newsletter of 1/23/04. It will appear on the main site as a story if the picture is confirmed as authentic and not a construction. There... continued

Death Flights

January 23, 2004
There have been mysterious deaths on two British flights from Miami to England, on two consecutive days. reports that A 19-year-old British woman died Monday while flying on a Virgin Atlantic plane from Miami to Heathrow Airport. The day... continued

Ice Block Just Misses Elderly Woman

January 23, 2004
The same conditions that recently produced a hole in the sky in Alabama have led to yet another giant ice block falling to Earth, this time in New Zealand. Patrick Gower and Natasha Harris write in the New Zealand Herald... continued

Extraordinary UFO Photo from Australia

January 23, 2004
The official website of the city of Whittlesea in Australia posted this photograph, which was taken by a traffic engineer at a railroad crossing, using a digital camera. As so often happens, he didn't notice the UFO until he downloaded... continued

Mars Rock on Earth

January 22, 2004
While the Rover is investigating rocks on Mars, scientists have discovered that a rock found in Morocco in 2001 came from Mars. The Rover is searching for water on Mars and this rock gives astronomers evidence that water once flowed... continued

Thousands of HRT Horses to be Slaughtered

January 22, 2004
The estrogen used for hormone replacement therapy came from the urine of specially kept pregnant mares. What's going to happen to all those horses, now that thousands of women are no longer taking HRT? The answer: they'll be slaughtered for... continued