Do Deodorants Cause Breast Cancer?

January 13, 2004
Chemical preservatives from underarm deodorants have been found in breast cancer tumors. Researcher Philip Harvey says, "From this research it is not possible to say whether parabens actually caused these tumors, but they may certainly be associated with the overall... continued

Desperate Scientists May Try Sun Shield

January 13, 2004
Since the small, practical actions necessary to help prevent global warming have not been taken, scientists are now considering crazy schemes to get the job done. Mark Townsend writes in The Observer that U.K. climate scientists are proposing to build... continued

How Do You Listen to Dreamland?

January 12, 2004
In order to make Dreamland radio more accessible to our listeners, we want to know how you listen to us, so please vote in our new poll today! NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have... continued

Chimps Bad as Humans

January 12, 2004
Crime is often attributed solely to humans, but it turns out our close relatives the chimps are capable of horrible deeds as well. In the past 7 years, at least eight children in Uganda and Tanzania have been snatched and... continued

Were Some of our Greatest Scientists Autistic?

January 12, 2004
Author Michael Fitzgerald says that Socrates, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein may have had a form of autism called Asperger's syndrome. Artists and writers such as Andy Warhol, Lewis Carroll and the poet W.B. Yeats may have had... continued

Crazy Plans for Global Warming

January 12, 2004
The debate about whether or not the Earth is heating up is over, and scientists are now figuring out what changes will need to be made in the future, due to global warming. Researchers say, "Many of these possible options... continued

Water on Mars!

January 10, 2004
Data acquired on Mars from the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit's mini-thermal emission spectrometer shows the light, or spectral, signature of an as-of-yet unidentified mineral that contains bound water in its crystal structure. Minerals such as gypsum and zeolites are possible... continued

Car Crash Injuries Every Football Game

January 9, 2004
As we get ready for another weekend of football, we should be aware that football players sustain head blows equivalent to a severe car crash in every game. They get an average of 50 head blows per game, each one... continued

Saddam May Not Live Until Trial

January 9, 2004
The Kuwaiti Al-Anba daily reports that Sadam Hussin has an advanced terminal case of cancer of lymph nodes, according an Iraqi official. Doctors who checked him over after his capture in December predict he will only live for a few... continued

Ancient Portraits of Loch Ness Monster

January 9, 2004
Monks living in 565AD may have been the first to produce art depicting the Loch Ness Monster. Ancient stones found in the vicinity of Loch Ness have animal carvings on them. Historian Norman Newton says, "They are all incredibly accurately... continued