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Secondhand Smoke is Lethal
December 23, 2003It's been discovered that nonsmokers who spent only four hours in a smoky Las Vegas casino had elevated levels of a cancer-causing agent called NNAL in their urine. Their urine also contained elevated levels of cotinine, which is a byproduct... continued
We’re Close to Chimps, So What Makes Us Different?
December 23, 2003Chimps and humans are 99% alike when it comes to DNA. Researchers think what makes us different are "lifestyle" changes that occurred 6 million years ago, when we both separated from a common ancestor. These have to do with how... continued
Russians Building Flying Saucer
December 23, 2003With help from the U.S. Navy, the Russians hope to have a functional flying saucer built by 2007. They'll be testing it at Webster Field in Maryland, so people there should be on the lookout for UFO reports then. In... continued
Photos of a UFO?
December 22, 2003Local radio station KHUM in Humboldt county, California, has posted photos, taken by Jessie Crumb, of what seems to be a UFO that was seen on Thursday, December 18. To see the photos, click here. NOTE: This news story, previously... continued
Why Diana’s Death is Still a Mystery
December 22, 2003There have been years of speculation about why a U.K. investigation of the death of Princess Diana in 1997 has not yet taken place. In the Independent, Terry Kirby quotes a police source in France, who has read the 6,000... continued
Our Oceans are Changing
December 22, 2003The ocean in the tropics, by the equator, has become must saltier over the past 40 years, while the parts of the ocean close to the poles has become less salty. This shows that major ocean currents are changing?currents that... continued
‘Ghost’ Photographed in Ancient Castle
December 22, 2003Hampton Court Palace in the U.K., where Henry VIII used to live, has closed-circuit security cameras that recently picked up the image of a ghost?which may be Henry himself. "We're baffled too?it's not a joke, we haven't manufactured it," says... continued
Terror Alert Level Raised a Notch
December 21, 2003The Department of Homeland Security has increased the nation?s terror alert level to orange. Tom Ridge has stated that this was done because government agencies are observing an increased level of activity of a type that precedes terror attack attempts.... continued
Clean Up Pollution with Spinach
December 19, 2003In neighborhoods near industrial areas, dangerous levels of lead have been found in residents' backyards. The amount of lead varies widely from yard to yard, and even within each yard, making some of them dangerous to play or grow vegetables... continued
Life is Everywhere in Space
December 19, 2003Astronomers now think that life spread throughout the Milky Way via microbes hitching a ride on asteroids and comets, and that it didn't originate on Earth. It will eventually leak out into other galaxies?if it hasn't already. This means that... continued