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Our Oceans are Changing
December 22, 2003The ocean in the tropics, by the equator, has become must saltier over the past 40 years, while the parts of the ocean close to the poles has become less salty. This shows that major ocean currents are changing?currents that... continued
‘Ghost’ Photographed in Ancient Castle
December 22, 2003Hampton Court Palace in the U.K., where Henry VIII used to live, has closed-circuit security cameras that recently picked up the image of a ghost?which may be Henry himself. "We're baffled too?it's not a joke, we haven't manufactured it," says... continued
Terror Alert Level Raised a Notch
December 21, 2003The Department of Homeland Security has increased the nation?s terror alert level to orange. Tom Ridge has stated that this was done because government agencies are observing an increased level of activity of a type that precedes terror attack attempts.... continued
Clean Up Pollution with Spinach
December 19, 2003In neighborhoods near industrial areas, dangerous levels of lead have been found in residents' backyards. The amount of lead varies widely from yard to yard, and even within each yard, making some of them dangerous to play or grow vegetables... continued
Life is Everywhere in Space
December 19, 2003Astronomers now think that life spread throughout the Milky Way via microbes hitching a ride on asteroids and comets, and that it didn't originate on Earth. It will eventually leak out into other galaxies?if it hasn't already. This means that... continued
Global Dimming
December 19, 2003In 1985, researcher Atsumu Ohmura discovered that it's too dark. When he checked the levels of sunlight recorded in Europe and compared them to similar measurements made in the 1960s, he found that levels of solar radiation hitting the Earth... continued
December 19, 2003As part of our ongoing series of new Communion Letters, "Jason" remembers being with a group of other campers who were led in a strange night time chant?as a UFO slowly rose up into the sky. NOTE: This news story,... continued
Our Sale Ends at Midnight Tonight!
December 19, 2003DOUBLE Storewide Discounts added to all orders automatically!Price Discounts:$20-39.99 = 4%, $40.00-59.99 = 6%, $60.00 or more = 8%.PLUS $2.00 off per order with Christmas Coupon Code!One coupon per order. Coupon may be re-used on new orders until sale ends... continued
Cities are Harder on Your Heart
December 18, 2003Instead of giving power plants in each state the same pollution guidelines, the government's new Clear Skies Initiative will let them "buy and sell" emissions. This means that older plants can put off installing expensive new equipment by purchasing emissions... continued
Britain Speaks Out for Saudi Women
December 18, 2003Despite our feminist politicians, it hasn't happened here: British Prime Minister's wife Cherie Blair told the Saudi ambassador to Britain that his country has an "appalling image" in the West because they treat women not as equals, but as "some... continued