
December 19, 2003
As part of our ongoing series of new Communion Letters, "Jason" remembers being with a group of other campers who were led in a strange night time chant?as a UFO slowly rose up into the sky. NOTE: This news story,... continued

Our Sale Ends at Midnight Tonight!

December 19, 2003
DOUBLE Storewide Discounts added to all orders automatically!Price Discounts:$20-39.99 = 4%, $40.00-59.99 = 6%, $60.00 or more = 8%.PLUS $2.00 off per order with Christmas Coupon Code!One coupon per order. Coupon may be re-used on new orders until sale ends... continued

Cities are Harder on Your Heart

December 18, 2003
Instead of giving power plants in each state the same pollution guidelines, the government's new Clear Skies Initiative will let them "buy and sell" emissions. This means that older plants can put off installing expensive new equipment by purchasing emissions... continued

Britain Speaks Out for Saudi Women

December 18, 2003
Despite our feminist politicians, it hasn't happened here: British Prime Minister's wife Cherie Blair told the Saudi ambassador to Britain that his country has an "appalling image" in the West because they treat women not as equals, but as "some... continued

Shyness Kills

December 18, 2003
The way you react to stress influences are much you'll resist or succumb to disease, including HIV, and shy people are more susceptible to infection than outgoing people.UCLA's Steve Cole says, "Since ancient Greece, physicians have noticed that persons with... continued

University Looks for Buy Button

December 17, 2003
This Christmas, as with every holiday season, we're bombarded with ads and find ourselves succumbing and buying things we didn't think we wanted. Now the organization Commercial Alert says universities are using their medical equipment and research funds in neuromarketing... continued

All Snakes are Poisonous

December 17, 2003
An Australian researcher has discovered that all snakes have poisonous venom, including pet snakes that are considered harmless. Bryan Fry says, "We even isolated from a rat snake, a snake common in pet stores, a typical cobra-style neurotoxin, one that... continued

SARS Kills Because it’s a Hybrid

December 17, 2003
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) spreads so quickly and is so hard to treat, despite being related to the common cold, because it's formed from a rare combination of mammalian and avian viruses. That makes it unrecognizable by human immune... continued

UFO Stories Wanted

December 17, 2003
We're interested in stories from local newspapers?both here and abroad?about local UFO and crop circle phenomena. If one of these events happens in your hometown, we want to know about it too, so we can put up a news story... continued

Space Privateers

December 16, 2003
Physicist Freeman Dyson says that our "scheme of Mars missions is excellent, but it has one fatal flaw: the fact that you are expecting NASA to do it." NASA has become timid, after the recent shuttle disaster, but private companies... continued