Alas, It’s Not Over Yet

December 15, 2003
A report by the U.S. Institute for Peace, which has close ties with Congress, says the U.S. may attack Iran and Syria next, in what they call "Phase 3 on the War on Terror." They think this will be even... continued

My Adventures with Jack

December 15, 2003
As part of our series of new Communion Letters, "Eileen from Seattle" writes: An incident you wrote about in Transformation is almost identical to something that happened to me a few years ago. You described how you had been bragging... continued

Beware of Neo-Nazi Concerts

December 12, 2003
Musicians of all kinds are being asked to play at festivals that turn out to be Neo-Nazi gatherings. Peter Haworth and his Celtic band were getting ready to play at "Euro-Fest 2003" when he noticed something wrong. He says, "You... continued

Whitley on the Radio Friday and Saturday

December 12, 2003
Whitley Strieber will be Lou Gentile's guest on the Lou Gentile Show for three hours this Friday night. On Saturday night, he?ll be Art's guest during the first hour of Coast to Coast AM. He'll be discussing the latest spate... continued

UFO May Have Landed in U.K.

December 12, 2003
In 1978, there were reports of a UFO sighting in St. Helen's in the U.K., when a UFO hovered over the power station before shooting away at speed. One of the witnesses, Robert Bennett, has revealed that as he sat... continued

Mystery of the Space Lights Solved

December 12, 2003
We recently reported that astronauts on board the International Space Station said they saw strange lights in space. NASA has discovered these were incredibly high auroras, produced by the recent solar storms, although they still don't know how this was... continued

Why is it Always the Jews?

December 12, 2003
In her latest Diary, Anne Strieber writes: "As I'm starting to plan the annual birthday celebration of Jesus, who is my favorite Jew, I want to stop and reflect upon why the Jews are so often hated and what this... continued

Man Discovers He’s a Tribal Chief

December 11, 2003
Mick Henry, a retired builder from Yorkshire, England, has discovered he's actually a chief of the Ojibway tribe in Canada, and owns thousands of acres of land there. He's the son of an English mother and a Canadian father, but... continued

Teens Have Terrible Health

December 11, 2003
The least healthy age group is teenagers. In some ways, they are even less healthy than seniors, most of whom are at least addressing their health problems. Teens have more sexual diseases than any other group, as well as high... continued

Secrets of the Past Revealed

December 11, 2003
A Stonehenge-like observatory that's 2,000 years older than the Stonehenge in England has been discovered in Germany, using satellite photography. And linguists trying to decipher the ancient hieroglyphs of the Mayans now have help: They've discovered an Indian tribe that... continued