Segways in Battle

December 2, 2003
It's a scene we'd all love to see on the evening news: a battle where soldiers aren't in tanks, Humvees or Bradley fighting vehicles?they're riding circles around the enemy on their Segways. Michael P. Regan writes in that we... continued

More Greenhouse Gas Than Ever

December 2, 2003
By 2020, annual emissions of carbon dioxide will have increased by 50% worldwide, which equals about 3.5 billion tons, according to ExxonMobil Corp. This is because global demand for fossil fuels for cars and power plants will rise by 40%,... continued

My Daughter’s Roommate was My Alien Child

December 1, 2003
In our series of new Communion Letters, we present the story of a woman who discovered she had a second, "alien," daughter, who was the college roommate of her human daughter! click here to learn more. NOTE: This news story,... continued

Vinland Map?Real or Forgery?

December 1, 2003
The Vinland Map is a drawing of Iceland, Greenland and the northeastern coast of North America that has been dated to the mid-15th century?unless it's a forgery. If it's real, it means that Norse explorers visited North America long before... continued

Where & What is Consciousness

December 1, 2003
Christof Koch wants to find where consciousness lies inside what he calls our "zombie" self: the part of our brain that works automatically, so that our lungs breathe, our heart beats, our eyes blink, and we walk and talk. And... continued

Scientist Says Yellowstone Bulge Could Mean Explosion

December 1, 2003
Lisa Morgan, the geologist leading a US Geological Survey team studying a bulge beneath Yellowstone Lake says, "it could be the precursor to a hydrothermal explosion." Hydrothermal explosions take place when water is superheated by lava and they can be... continued

How Do You Handle Close Encounters?

November 28, 2003
In our new poll we ask you how you handle, or expect to handle, close encounters. Have you had some and never told anyone? Or have you told and had good?or bad?results? In our last poll we asked you who... continued

Subscriber Update on B.C. UFOs

November 28, 2003
On Dreamland this week for subscribers, UFO researcher Brian Vike gets us up-to-date with Part II of his report on the continuing problems for the Canadian family that had a missing time experience, which has led to their mysterious medical... continued

Mysterious Noise Heard on Space Station

November 28, 2003
The two man U.S. and Russian crew of the International Space Station heard a metallic crunching noise the day before Thanksgiving, but Russian space officials and NASA say the ISS was not hit by an object from space. "All systems... continued

Late Night Snacks are OK

November 26, 2003
If, like Dagwood, you feel the urge to creep into the kitchen late at night for a snack, don't worry, you're not making yourself fat. Dr. Judy Cameron carried out tests on 47 female monkeys and found no link between... continued