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Scientist Says Yellowstone Bulge Could Mean Explosion
December 1, 2003Lisa Morgan, the geologist leading a US Geological Survey team studying a bulge beneath Yellowstone Lake says, "it could be the precursor to a hydrothermal explosion." Hydrothermal explosions take place when water is superheated by lava and they can be... continued
Subscriber Update on B.C. UFOs
November 28, 2003On Dreamland this week for subscribers, UFO researcher Brian Vike gets us up-to-date with Part II of his report on the continuing problems for the Canadian family that had a missing time experience, which has led to their mysterious medical... continued
Mysterious Noise Heard on Space Station
November 28, 2003The two man U.S. and Russian crew of the International Space Station heard a metallic crunching noise the day before Thanksgiving, but Russian space officials and NASA say the ISS was not hit by an object from space. "All systems... continued
How Do You Handle Close Encounters?
November 28, 2003In our new poll we ask you how you handle, or expect to handle, close encounters. Have you had some and never told anyone? Or have you told and had good?or bad?results? In our last poll we asked you who... continued
Late Night Snacks are OK
November 26, 2003If, like Dagwood, you feel the urge to creep into the kitchen late at night for a snack, don't worry, you're not making yourself fat. Dr. Judy Cameron carried out tests on 47 female monkeys and found no link between... continued
Better Not to Eat?
November 26, 2003About the only regimen that is guaranteed to give you longer life is to continuously deprive yourself of enough to eat?at least it works for mice and fruit flies. People are now beginning to try this diet as well, although... continued
Vegetables can be Dangerous
November 26, 2003We think of fresh vegetables as something that's always good to eat, but they can be dangerous. Scallions imported from Mexico recently killed three people and made hundreds more sick. Grow your own? Research shows that vegetables grown in urban... continued
Let Your Mind Do the Moving
November 25, 2003Christopher Reeve is pushing for research that will allow paraplegics like himself to regain bodily movement. But if this isn't possible, it might be better to let the mind do the moving instead. Reseachers are having success teaching monkeys?and people?how... continued
Florida Swamp has Crop Circle Effects
November 25, 2003The 700 mile Okefenokee Swamp contains many of the same effects that have been noted in crop circles. Electrical devices go haywire inside it and residents have seen glowing orbs and UFOs nearby. "I've only seen [the orbs] a few... continued
Searching for the Source of Ebola
November 25, 2003The host for the devastating African disease Ebola, which has no cure and kills quickly and painfully, has not yet been found. The host is an animal which carries the virus but is not itself affected by it, and if... continued