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Police Regularly See UFOs
November 24, 2003A new record of U.K. UFO sightings has been compiled called PRUFOS?Police Reporting UFO Sightings?by Detective Constable Gary Heseltine. PRUFOS contains 84 official sightings reported by a total of 212 policemen and policewomen in the U.K. between 1950 and 2002.... continued
Al-Qaeda Attacks Could Lead to Military Takeover in U.S.
November 24, 2003General Tommy Franks, who led U.S. forces in Iraq, says that an attack on U.S. soil with a weapon of mass destruction that causes large casualties will be likely to lead to an end to the U.S. Constitution in favor... continued
A Youthful Experience with an Alien
November 24, 2003As part of our series on new Communion Letters, "John from PA" tells how, as a child, despite being raised in a strict religious household, he spent two days playing with an alien, who gave him a secret message, while... continued
Who Do YOU Think Killed JFK?
November 22, 2003Vote in our new poll and tell us what you think the most likely theory of the Kennedy assassination is?Oswald acted alone, it was done by vengeful Cuban exiles, Lyndon Johnson and the Texas political machine did it, the CIA... continued
Did Humans Change the Weather?
November 21, 2003U.S. politicians are finally admitting that we're in the midst of global warming, but they don't all agree that this is caused by human activity. While it's vital to plan for the future now?no matter how we got into this... continued
Secrets of a Second UFO Crash
November 21, 2003The famous Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash, which occurred in 1947, is not the only time a UFO fell to Earth. Another crash?complete with debris and alien bodies?may have taken place in Cape Girardeau, Missouri in 1941. Hal McKenzie writes... continued
NASA Still Won’t Release Kecksburg Documents
November 21, 2003Lawyers for the Coalition for Freedom of Information say NASA still refuses to comply with the Feedom of Information Act request they made 10 months ago to get copies of its records on the 1965 UFO incident in Kecksburg, PA.,... continued
Teflon Trouble
November 21, 2003Teflon, the non-stick coating on pots and pans and stain protector on carpets and clothes, can give you the "Teflon flu." In large amounts, it can also cause birth defects. Sue Bailey, who worked at a plant that made chemicals... continued
Magnetic Field Weakens When We Need it Most
November 20, 2003The magnetic field that surrounds Earth is getting weaker, as the magnetic poles get ready to flip. The pole reversal happens at regular intervals, but it's coming at a bad time, since the magnetic field protects us from radiation from... continued
Did Jesus Visit India?
November 20, 2003Bible scholars say there are about twelve years of Jesus' life that are unaccounted for, and Dr. H.J. Trebst thinks he visited the holy city of Puri, in India, during this time. While there, he studied the Hindu Veda and... continued