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Magnetic Field Weakens When We Need it Most
November 20, 2003The magnetic field that surrounds Earth is getting weaker, as the magnetic poles get ready to flip. The pole reversal happens at regular intervals, but it's coming at a bad time, since the magnetic field protects us from radiation from... continued
Did Jesus Visit India?
November 20, 2003Bible scholars say there are about twelve years of Jesus' life that are unaccounted for, and Dr. H.J. Trebst thinks he visited the holy city of Puri, in India, during this time. While there, he studied the Hindu Veda and... continued
Haarp to Become 4X More Powerful
November 19, 2003Haarp, the research grid in Alaska, will quadruple in power over the next 3 years. The government claims it was designed to study the ionosphere in order to enhance civilian and military communications, but how it actually does this remains... continued
Cell Phones Dangerous in Surprising Way
November 19, 2003Cell phones have been accused of being dangerous because they beam microwaves into people's brains, but now a new cell phone danger has been discovered. If you talk on your cell phone while walking, it can give you an aching... continued
Parts of Iraq Resemble Fortified Israel
November 19, 2003Western governments have long criticized Israel for isolating the West Bank and Gaza Strip and for walling itself off from the Palestinians, but parts of Iraq under U.S. control are starting to resemble these areas. Is it possible for the... continued
The Soy of Sex
November 18, 2003A lot of women are taking soy supplements to help with the symptoms of menopause, because it contains a vegetable form of estrogen. However, new tests show it can reduce normal sexual behavior as much as 70%. Women may accept... continued
Race Test Could Lead to Mind Control
November 18, 2003Using PET scans, scientists can now observe the brain at work. They already know that "real" and "false" memories activate different parts of the brain, which could validate the experiences of abductees, if an objective test of them is ever... continued
Black Magic & Men in Black
November 18, 2003As part of our new Communion Letters series, "Fred" writes us from British Columbia, where Brian Vike has been reporting on an incredible wave of UFO and abduction activity (his second report for subscribers will be up November 29). To... continued
Guess Who’s Back?
November 18, 2003Jim Marrs, that's who, with his wonderful book War on Freedom, about what he considers to be one of the ultimate conspiracies of modern times. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued
What our Dreams Tell Us
November 17, 2003Do our dreams give us messages from our bodies about health problems we may not be aware of? The ancient Greeks thought that dreams contained information that could be used to diagnose disease. With some diseases, specific dreams are more... continued