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Did Crop Circle Predict Solar Storms?
November 13, 2003The NASA website says: "Imagine you're in California. It's July, the middle of summer. The sun rises early; bright rays warm the ground. It's a great day to be outside. Then, suddenly, it begins to snow--not just a little flurry,... continued
Monarch Butterflies May Soon be Gone
November 13, 2003Monarch butterflies migrate 2,000 miles every year to spend the winter in a small mountain forest in Mexico, but this could end within the next 50 years. At first, farmers were cutting down the trees in order to clear the... continued
Fruit Stickers: Look for the 8
November 12, 2003You've noticed that tiny stickers that now appear on almost all fruit, and probably been annoyed that you have to peel each one off. These contain bar codes for the check-out clerk, but they also contain a secret the store... continued
Science Studies the Soul
November 12, 2003Neurophysiologist Dick Burgess is trying to find scientific proof for consciousness and the soul. Some of his evidence comes from the story of Uttara Haddur, a Hindu woman who suddenly began speaking an ancient form of Bengali in 1974, without... continued
Weather This Winter: A Wild Ride
November 12, 2003This winter's weather will feature dramatic shifts between hot and cold from month to month, and even week to week, due to the absence of either an El Nino or La Nina in the Pacific Ocean. El Nino is an... continued
Female Circumcision Not Part of Islam
November 11, 2003The war against Islamic fundamentalists means that we in the West need to accept the moderate version of Islam?since the religion itself is here to stay. Prince Sultan of Saudi Arabia has said, "As we believe in Moses and Jesus,... continued
How Global Warming Will Change California
November 11, 2003We need to face the fact that the climate is changing throughout the world, and the sooner we plan for it, the better we?ll be able to deal with it. Nature, in the form of pollution, wildfires and floods, is... continued
Will the Draft Come Back?
November 11, 2003Despite denials from the White House, talk has started up in some government circles about reinstating the draft, in order to have enough manpower to rebuild the governments of Afghanistan and Iraq. The long tours of duty the current soldiers... continued
The Winner
November 11, 2003Supposedly, this is a true story and was the 1st place winner in the recent Criminal Lawyers Award Contest. For a good time at the expense (as usual!) of the poor, beleaguered lawyers among us, keep reading. A lawyer purchased... continued
What I Learned Out of Body
November 11, 2003As part of our new Communion Letters series, "Kurt" writes: "I have personally experienced my spirit leaving my body and being united with the 'ultimate supreme spirit' (God?). In 1956, when I was fifteen years old, I had pneumonia and... continued