Dirt from Mars

November 9, 2003
Scientists are trying to figure out if life came from space. This theory would be strengthened if we found evidence that there is?or ever was?life on Mars. When we sent a Viking lander there to do tests, the results were... continued

Afghan Drug War Back Again

November 9, 2003
Opium production in Afghanistan is on the rise and is turning that nation back into a country run by drug lords, the way it was before the Taliban took over. UN drug agency director Antonio Maria Costa says the country... continued

Strange Changes in the Sky

November 8, 2003
As a rare Grand Sextile of planets takes place during a lunar eclipse, enormous explosions continue on the sun. They are now taking place on the backside, as sunspot area 484 moves around to the back of the star, so... continued


November 7, 2003
A new kind of crime wave is sweeping across the U.K.?criminals are stealing people's dogs and holding them for ransom. ''The ransom demands are going up and up," says Jayne Hayes, the founder of the website Doglost. "It used to... continued

Witches Were Somewhere Else

November 7, 2003
As Halloween is winding down and the decorations are being put away until next year, visitors to the witch capital of Salem, Massachusetts might be surprised to discover that there were never any witches executed there at all. Michelle Delio... continued

You Eat What You Are

November 7, 2003
We've always been told that we are what we eat, but in the future, we'll be told what to eat based on what we are, genetically. "...You may in the future choose your breakfast cereal based on your genes," says... continued

Did Life Come from Space?

November 6, 2003
The same amino acids that are here on Earth have also been found in meteorites. "The bottom line is that you have these materials that come from space," says researcher Steve Macko. He thinks this points to a cosmic origin... continued

Harmonic Concordance

November 6, 2003
On Saturday, November 8, a rare Grand Sextile of Planets will take place during a total lunar eclipse. This extraordinary astrological and extremely positive event has not occurred in at least 6,000 years and is an occasion for meditation and... continued

Information Glut

November 6, 2003
Are we forgetting more and caring less?or is there just too much to remember? More information has been produced and stored in the past 5 years than at any time in human history, in the form of e-mails, websites, cell... continued

Monkey Free Zone

November 6, 2003
New Delhi, India has been declared a Monkey-Free zone, because the critters have been causing such havoc there. They've overrun government buildings; bitten, robbed and tormented the workers; and ransacked the files. They've taken down power lines, banged on office... continued