You Eat What You Are

November 7, 2003
We've always been told that we are what we eat, but in the future, we'll be told what to eat based on what we are, genetically. "...You may in the future choose your breakfast cereal based on your genes," says... continued

Monkey Free Zone

November 6, 2003
New Delhi, India has been declared a Monkey-Free zone, because the critters have been causing such havoc there. They've overrun government buildings; bitten, robbed and tormented the workers; and ransacked the files. They've taken down power lines, banged on office... continued

A Broken Heart Really Can be Painful

November 6, 2003
A rejected lover's "broken heart" can feel as painful to the pain center in your brain as an actual physical injury. Psychologist Jaak Panksepp says, "Throughout history poets have written about the pain of a broken heart. It seems that... continued

What Would You Sacrifice to Slow Down Global Warming?

November 6, 2003
Small household energy use changes in developed countries will mean huge CO2 emission reductions. Vote in our new poll and tell us whether you think 1. These changes should become law in every developed country, 2. They should be voluntary,... continued

Did Life Come from Space?

November 6, 2003
The same amino acids that are here on Earth have also been found in meteorites. "The bottom line is that you have these materials that come from space," says researcher Steve Macko. He thinks this points to a cosmic origin... continued

Harmonic Concordance

November 6, 2003
On Saturday, November 8, a rare Grand Sextile of Planets will take place during a total lunar eclipse. This extraordinary astrological and extremely positive event has not occurred in at least 6,000 years and is an occasion for meditation and... continued

Information Glut

November 6, 2003
Are we forgetting more and caring less?or is there just too much to remember? More information has been produced and stored in the past 5 years than at any time in human history, in the form of e-mails, websites, cell... continued

So the Sun’s Going Nuts?Who Cares?

November 5, 2003
In Whitley's new journal,he writes: "The sun is in the most unusual state that has ever been observed. At a time when it should be recording greatly diminished sunspot activity, the most active sunspot ever observed has just finished crossing... continued

Flash Healing

November 5, 2003
Tiny flashes of infrared light from LEDs can heal wounds, build muscle, help heal the effects of diabetes and repair blindness?but nobody knows why. LEDs are the tiny, ultra-efficient light-emitting diodes, or bulbs, like the ones found in digital clocks... continued

Will Climate Change Make Us Evolve?Again?

November 5, 2003
In the current era of global warming, scientists at the Geological Society of America are taking a look at ancient periods of climate variability, some of which lasted for millions of years. During these periods, great strides were made in... continued