Sun Keeps on Storming

October 30, 2003
Auroras have been photographed as far south as Houston midway through one of the most unusual solar events ever recorded. The earth's magnetic field is at present extremely thin and pushed back far from the sunward side of the planet... continued

Can You be Scared to Death?

October 30, 2003
When we're frightened, the part of the nervous system is activated that makes our adrenaline surge. Our heart beats faster and our blood pressure rises in a "fight or flight" response that can only be released by screaming or running... continued

The Story That Won’t Go Away

October 30, 2003
Despite the Warren Commission's conclusion that only one gunman killed John F. Kennedy in 1963, recent research shows that two gunmen were almost certainly involved. And new information about who actually killed Kennedy?and why?has also been revealed. Before Kennedy was... continued

Intelligence Fights over WMD

October 29, 2003
U.S. intelligence agents think that Saddam Hussein either dismantled his chemical and biological weapons, for fear the U.S. would attack, or sent them abroad. But those who think he sent them out of the country disagree about where he sent... continued

Jurassic Plant

October 29, 2003
The U.S. has an ancient tree called the Bristlecone Pine. Australians have the Wollemi Pine, a plant from the Jurassic age which was once thought to have been extinct for two million years. In 1994, it was found to have... continued

An Alien Healing

October 29, 2003
Douglas writes from Oregon about the incredible ET healings that have occurred in his family. This is the second in a series of new Communion Letters, about the experiences of our readers and listeners. NOTE: This news story, previously published... continued

CA Fires: Why Now?

October 29, 2003
The areas that are burning in California have always been dry, but people have successfully lived there for years without having their houses burn down. Was it always just a matter of time, or did something change--and was that something... continued

Incredible Dutch UFO Photo

October 29, 2003
A couple walking in the Netherlands on the afternoon of October 26 near the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) took some photos. When they looked at them later, the man noticed he had photographed a UFO. He says, "?I was... continued

Whitley’s Meditations Now Available

October 28, 2003
Whitley's wonderful meditations are now available for reading on our transcriptspage, which can be accessed from the gray "What's New" box, top left on our homepage. Learn the secret of meditation: Your failure is really your success! His fascinatingcommentaries on... continued

CA Fires Set by Terrorists?

October 28, 2003
Two Hundred Thousand acres have burned in Southern California, with more houses being consumed by fire every day. Fire officials have evidence that at least some of the fires were set intentionally?could this have been done by terrorists? A June... continued