Sailing Out of the Store

October 28, 2003
Books are sailing out of our store, due to our overstock sale. We've reduced some of our titles to COST. There are wonderful books on Atlantis, buried treasure, mysterious crypto-creatures, and a secret cave--only a few copies left of this... continued

Extraordinary Solar Blast

October 28, 2003
An explosion of extreme power occured on the sun at 3:10 AM Pacific Time today. This explosion is classed as an X-17 solar flare. X-1 is the least strong of the high power flares, X-9 normally the highest on the... continued

Bigfoot Sightings in California

October 28, 2003
In September, Alex Rommel, age 12, saw a Bigfoot with his sister, Sarah, 13, in Hiouchi, California. Also, two men reported seeing Bigfoot in Klamath around the same time. The Bigfoot Field Research Organization (BFRO) says that Del Norte County... continued

Double Solar Blast Rocks Scientists

October 27, 2003
Twin X-class solar flares erupted from two different enormous sunspots that have appeared on the surface of the sun at the same time. Coronal mass ejections from the X-1 class explosions are expected to reach earth on October 28, possibly... continued

Newmans Own Environment

October 27, 2003
Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman, along with Fred Krupp, president of Environmental Defense, are asking people to sign a petition supporting the bipartisan McCain-Lieberman Climate Stewardship Act, which will soon come up for a vote. You can click on the... continued

Is He Trying to Tell Them Something?

October 27, 2003
The assistant director of Mel Gibson's film "The Passion Of Christ" has been hit by lightning twice while shooting the film near Rome, and the actor playing Jesus has been hit once. Neither actor Jim Caviezel nor assistant director Jan... continued

Runaway Iceberg Creating Ocean Desert

October 27, 2003
Icebergs that calve off giant ice shelves can create "deserts" in the ocean by blocking sunlight from reaching marine life. An iceberg 20 miles wide and 124 miles long named C-19, that broke off from the Ross Ice Shelf in... continued

Yellowstone Polluting Air with Mercury

October 27, 2003
Scientists who measured the mercury levels in Yellowstone National Park recently were surprised by what they found at the base of Roaring Mountain: one of the highest levels of mercury ever found in an undisturbed natural area. Mercury is a... continued

Mystery Light Baffles NASA

October 27, 2003
Fifteen-year-old photographer Jonathan Burnett snapped a digital photo of a bright light sailing through the sky, and another amateur photographer caught the same image from a different angle. These photos have scientists around the world mystified about what the mysterious... continued

New Cell Phone Towers Make People Sick

October 24, 2003
Phone towers for the new, high-tech cell phones can cause headaches and nausea, according to Dutch researchers, because they operate at a higher frequency than those for traditional cell phones. This new technology allows callers to use their phones to... continued