Al-Qaeda Videos Alert Sleeper Cells

October 23, 2003
Why does al-Qaeda regularly release video tapes showing images of Osama bin-Laden that contain nothing dated (like a newspaper page) to show he's still alive, with a voice-over that may?or may not?be his? Since these tapes don't provide proof that... continued

Diana Death Conspiracy?

October 23, 2003
Months before her death, Princess Diana wrote a letter to her butler Paul Burrell saying she was afraid that someone was planning to kill her in a staged car accident. She said she feared having "an accident in my car,... continued

UFOs Seen by Police and Captured on Film

October 23, 2003
Police saw a UFO in North Carolina and a man in Kentucky took incredible photos of a UFO with an "automatic" deer camera. Local UFO stories like these never get picked up by the national media, unless the UFO is... continued

Anne’s Diary: A Mouse That Roars the Truth

October 22, 2003
In her new diary A Mouse That Roars the Truth, Anne Strieber writes, "A small literary magazine has dared to take on a topic that the major media avoids: the truth about global warming. The fall issue of Granta called... continued

Eltanin Antenna Finally Identified

October 22, 2003
The mystery of the Eltanin antenna has finally been solved: it's a sea sponge called Cladorhiza. The "antenna" got its name from the USNS Eltanin, an ice breaking cargo ship launched by the U.S. Navy in 1957. On August, 29,... continued

UFOs Seen in the Middle East

October 22, 2003
UFOs were seen in Baghdad and Bahrain last week. The Bahrain UFO displayed strange lights for about a minute. Mohammed Jaffer al-Hajer was with six of his friends when they all noticed it. Al-Hajer taped the strange object on his... continued

Famed Abduction Therapist Constance Clear Dies

October 21, 2003
Famed and beloved abduction therapist Constance Clear died this morning in a hospital in Phoenix, from complications arising from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident a month ago. Whitley and Anne Strieber and Constance Clear were close friends. Constance was... continued

Sunspot the Size of Jupiter

October 21, 2003
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Environment Center has issued an Official Space Weather Advisory stating that two very intense centers of activity have emerged on the sun. One of them, Sunspot 484, has grown into one of the... continued

New Poll?How Do You Feel About the Visitors?

October 21, 2003
Vote in our new poll! This time, we're asking you to tell us, "based on all you know, how would you describe the most important motive of the visitors?" We haven?t forgotten that many of you are "experts," with firsthand... continued

Sexuality Not a Choice

October 21, 2003
While some people still insist that homo- (and hetero-) sexuality is a "choice," scientists disagree?according to the latest research, we're born with our sexuality hardwired into our genes. "Our findings may help answer an important question?why do we feel male... continued