Workers Make the Weather

October 13, 2003
A lot of tired, disgruntled Americans have decided that we work too much, especially compared to Europeans. Now NOAA says our 5-day workweek creates climate conditions that give us lousy weather almost every weekend?the only time we can enjoy ourselves.... continued

Math Book Could Have Changed History

October 12, 2003
Scientists have found a 2000-year-old math book that could have changed history. Written by the Greek mathematician Archimedes, who was born about 287 BC, it contains essential concepts that weren't rediscovered until centuries later. "The manuscript was heavily damaged by... continued

If ET Life Exists, it’s Here

October 12, 2003
If extraterrestrial life does exist, scientists think they've found the star that?s orbited by the planet it's on?a middle-aged star in the constellation Gemini. Out of 30 possible solar systems, this one is the best. Astrobiologist Maggie Turnbull has made... continued

Military Exercises Killing Whales

October 12, 2003
Dead whales have been turning up on the beaches in Maine. Some of them are rarely seen in this area, and no one can figure out what killed them. Now scientists think sonar is giving whales the same kind of... continued

Druids on the Job

October 12, 2003
Druids have reduced the number of accidents on Austria's worst stretch of highway.They put huge one-ton white quartz monoliths alongside the road to restore the natural flow of "earth energy." During a two-year trial after this was done, fatal accidents... continued

New on our Website!

October 12, 2003
Whitley has a new meditation that everyone can listen to. To hear it, click "Listen Now" on our masthead. We also have a brand new feature: a Transcripts page. So far, we have written transcriptions of the first four of... continued

The Capture House

October 11, 2003
In Whitley's latest Journal, he writes about a warning he received that turned out to be real, and his journeys to find the secrets of his childhood. He says, "I woke up one night to find a person standing in... continued

The Inside Info on Voting Machines

October 11, 2003
When we wrote that California's election used flawed voting machines, we got a quick, insightful reply from a "Concerned San Diego County Employee," who says, "Essentially, the only threat(s) to the voting machines are internal since the machines are not... continued

Mystery of the Naga Fireballs

October 10, 2003
The colorful Naga fireballs arrive in Laos every autumn, during the full moon at the end of Buddhist Lent. Local scientists think they know what causes the lights, but they don't understand why they return at the same time every... continued

Catholic Clerics Lie About Condoms

October 10, 2003
In countries which have the highest rates of HIV and AIDS, the Catholic Church has been telling people that latex condoms do not protect against the virus. Cardinals, bishops, priests and nuns are saying HIV can pass through tiny holes... continued