If ET Life Exists, it’s Here

October 12, 2003
If extraterrestrial life does exist, scientists think they've found the star that?s orbited by the planet it's on?a middle-aged star in the constellation Gemini. Out of 30 possible solar systems, this one is the best. Astrobiologist Maggie Turnbull has made... continued

Military Exercises Killing Whales

October 12, 2003
Dead whales have been turning up on the beaches in Maine. Some of them are rarely seen in this area, and no one can figure out what killed them. Now scientists think sonar is giving whales the same kind of... continued

The Capture House

October 11, 2003
In Whitley's latest Journal, he writes about a warning he received that turned out to be real, and his journeys to find the secrets of his childhood. He says, "I woke up one night to find a person standing in... continued

The Inside Info on Voting Machines

October 11, 2003
When we wrote that California's election used flawed voting machines, we got a quick, insightful reply from a "Concerned San Diego County Employee," who says, "Essentially, the only threat(s) to the voting machines are internal since the machines are not... continued

Mystery of the Naga Fireballs

October 10, 2003
The colorful Naga fireballs arrive in Laos every autumn, during the full moon at the end of Buddhist Lent. Local scientists think they know what causes the lights, but they don't understand why they return at the same time every... continued

Catholic Clerics Lie About Condoms

October 10, 2003
In countries which have the highest rates of HIV and AIDS, the Catholic Church has been telling people that latex condoms do not protect against the virus. Cardinals, bishops, priests and nuns are saying HIV can pass through tiny holes... continued

Yeti Paw Found in Siberia

October 10, 2003
Siberian scientists have found the well-preserved furry limb of a mysterious creature that might be the legendary Yeti. The paw was found frozen in permafrost, high up in the remote Altay mountains. Like the Alps, the Altays are becoming warmer... continued

Shape of Universe Known Long Ago?

October 10, 2003
Scientists now know that the universe is not infinite and that space is curved in on itself in the shape of a dodecahedron. Interestingly enough, the ancient Greeks, including Plato, thought the universe was made up of this geometrical shape,... continued

When Fat Kids Diet, They Gain Weight

October 9, 2003
There are more obese children in the West than ever before in history, putting them at risk for type 2 diabetes and future heart disease. But when they try to diet, they gain more weight. How can this be happening?... continued

Global Warming Revealed in Alaska First

October 9, 2003
Because it's so far north, Alaska is showing the effects of global warming long before any of the other 49 states. Forests that should be green are brown, due to the spruce bark beetle. Over the past 15 years, it's... continued