A Reformed Spammer

October 8, 2003
We recently wrote about a spam vigilante who identified the spammer who was making his life miserable. Now we've discovered a "reformed" spammer who's quit the computer game and owns a nightclub in New Hampshire. As head of the junk... continued

Why Auto Companies Push SUVs

October 8, 2003
Despite the upcoming oil shortage, the government is giving a special tax cut to businesses that purchase large trucks and SUVs. If gas prices are going to keep climbing, auto makers will have a harder and harder time selling these... continued

California Election Used Flawed Voting Machines

October 8, 2003
In Tuesday's California vote for governor, one county cast their ballots on computerizedvoting machines that are easy to hack. Election officials want to avoid hanging chads, but the real problem is that a poll worker or an outsider could change... continued

How to Find Happiness

October 8, 2003
If you want to be happy, move to someplace where more people report feeling that way. However, the happiest countries may not be the ones you want to go to. And don't get breast implants, unless you want to become... continued

And the Winner is??

October 7, 2003
It's the Nobel prize season, and the Ig Nobels are being awarded as well. One Ig Nobel was awarded for a study showing that chickens like beautiful humans, by allowing them to peck at the portraits they prefer. More animal... continued

Too Smart for Their Own Good

October 7, 2003
Being smart isn't always successful in the evolutionary race. Swiss researchers wondered why, if intelligence is such an asset, we haven't evolved to the point where everyone is super smart. Since this hasn't happened, there must be some good reasons... continued

Global Warming: Less Solar Influence in the Future

October 7, 2003
After studying at the last 11,000 years of solar activity, astrophysicist Mark Clilverd says the sun's contribution to climate change on Earth will reduce slightly over the next 100 years. For the past century, we've had large numbers of solar... continued

Terrorist Money from?Cincinnati?

October 7, 2003
We're used to hearing about money being funneled to terrorist organizations from the Saudi royal family, but a new report in the G2bulletin.com says that a money laundering scheme selling stolen goods in a poor neighborhood of Cincinnati earned more... continued

Zooming Out of Our Store

October 6, 2003
Some of our most popular books, now on sale, are literally zooming out of our store. For instance, we have only 6 copies left of DMT: The Spirit Molecule and Realm of the Ring Lords, only 5 of The Lost... continued

Quantum Weirdness in Real Life

October 5, 2003
The physicist Erwin Schr NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued