Telemarketers on Do Not Call List

October 3, 2003
The home telephone numbers of the 11 top executives of the Direct Marketing Association, which is trying to kill the federal do-not-call list that 50 million people signed on to, are on the list, meaning they don't want to receive... continued

Duck–It’s a Meteor!

October 3, 2003
A meteorite crashed in eastern India, injuring five people and destroying two houses. It lit up the night sky and rattled windows before it crashed to the ground. One resident says, "It was all there for just a few seconds... continued

Fat Caused by Genes & Big Business

October 3, 2003
Icelandic researchers have isolated a gene that determines whether we'll be fat or thin. And a cheap sweetener used in almost everything we eat may play a major role in the obesity epidemic in America. "Obesity and thinness are two... continued

Forensic Expert Says Bigfoot’s Real

October 3, 2003
Forensic expert Jimmy Chilcutt, of the Conroe Police Department in Texas, says he has strong evidence that Bigfoot exists. Scientific debate about whether or not he's real hasn't stopped Bigfoot from being spotted in Argentina. Chilcutt, who specializes in finger... continued

Going Fast!

October 2, 2003
Check our sale section?the shelves are clearing fast. We've only got one Afterlife Experiments, Tutankhamun: The Exodus Conspiracy, No Such Thing as Doomsday, Crop Circles: Signs of Contact, Unholy Alliance and UFOs Prophecy and the End of Time left. We... continued

There’s a SARS Gene

October 2, 2003
Why did SARS only become an epidemic in China and in Toronto, the part of Canada where many Chinese emigrants live? Scientists have found a genetic susceptibility to SARS that explains this puzzle. Maggie Fox writes that a variant in... continued

Ocean Changes: Subtle but Serious

October 2, 2003
Due to increased carbon dioxide emissions, the world's oceans are becoming more acidic, affecting marine life. And whaling is reducing the number of giant whales that were once eaten by killer whales, leading step by step to a huge increase... continued

UFO Abduction in China

October 2, 2003
China bans "evil cults" and forbids belief in anything but the Communist Party, but research into UFOs is not only allowed, it's encouraged. There's a government-approved China UFO Research Center with 50,000 members and a 20-year-old UFO magazine with a... continued

If We Won’t Do It, They Will

October 2, 2003
The administration has thrown out hints that we'd like to invade Iran, which harbors many of the terrorists we chased out of Afghanistan and Iraq, but we can't afford to extend our military any farther. Now Israel says they may... continued

The Toynbee Tiles

October 1, 2003
Mysterious tiles have been turning up all over the U.S. They are size of license plates, embedded in the street and all say the same thing: "Toynbee idea in Kubrick's 2001, Resurrect dead on planet Jupiter." Doug Worgul writes in... continued