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UFO Abduction in China
October 2, 2003China bans "evil cults" and forbids belief in anything but the Communist Party, but research into UFOs is not only allowed, it's encouraged. There's a government-approved China UFO Research Center with 50,000 members and a 20-year-old UFO magazine with a... continued
If We Won’t Do It, They Will
October 2, 2003The administration has thrown out hints that we'd like to invade Iran, which harbors many of the terrorists we chased out of Afghanistan and Iraq, but we can't afford to extend our military any farther. Now Israel says they may... continued
Going Fast!
October 2, 2003Check our sale section?the shelves are clearing fast. We've only got one Afterlife Experiments, Tutankhamun: The Exodus Conspiracy, No Such Thing as Doomsday, Crop Circles: Signs of Contact, Unholy Alliance and UFOs Prophecy and the End of Time left. We... continued
The Toynbee Tiles
October 1, 2003Mysterious tiles have been turning up all over the U.S. They are size of license plates, embedded in the street and all say the same thing: "Toynbee idea in Kubrick's 2001, Resurrect dead on planet Jupiter." Doug Worgul writes in... continued
Spam Fight
October 1, 2003Ever wish you could personally go after the people who are sending you all that annoying, often disgusting, spam? One person did it. Michele Delio writes in wired.com that graphic artist Andy Markley discovered that a spammer was sending out... continued
Yeti?or Meti?
October 1, 2003Mountaineer Matako Nabuka says there is no Yeti?only the Meti, which is a big brown bear. Despite this, Yeti and his cousin Bigfoot continue to be seen all over the world, including Vermont. Daniel Lak writes in BBC News Online... continued
Al-Qaeda has Terror Navy
October 1, 2003Al-Qaeda has bought at least 15 ships in the last two years, creating the first terrorist navy since pirates roamed the Caribbean. Lloyds of London has helped Britain's MI6 and the CIA trace the sales, which were made through a... continued
The Bank Mafia
September 30, 2003The number of bankruptcies has risen 400% in the past 25 years, and soon experts think that 6 million families with children?that's one in every 7?will go bankrupt. Why is everyone going broke? One reason is that, due to deteriorating... continued
September 30, 2003The books on our Only a Few Left sale are going fast, and some have already sold out! Some of our fastest-moving items are Tutankhamun: The Exodus Conspiracy (we had 5 left, now there are only 3); The Afterlife Experiments... continued
Psi Spies is Back!
September 30, 2003One of your favorite books by popular author Jim Marrs, Psi Spies, is now back in stock. This is the legendary book the mainstream publishers killed. Find out what the CIA didn't want you to know about its remote viewing... continued