Sagittarius, Your Days are Numbered

September 30, 2003
The Milky Way is gobbling up the stars in the grouping we call Sagittarius. We see the stars the way they looked millions of years ago, but sometime in the future, Sagittarians will no longer have a star symbol to... continued

Terrorists in U.S. Buying Nukes from Russia

September 30, 2003
A radioactive package on its way to the U.S. was seized in the Kiev airport. An official with the Ukraine Ministry of Emergencies says the package was emitting radiation ''at a rate which is thousands of times higher than the... continued

UFOs in South Carolina

September 30, 2003
UFOs are being seen in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. "We're all in our 50s, professional people?we're not into hallucinatory drugs or anything like that," says Pam Wingfield. "People look at you funny when you tell them you've seen a UFO.... continued

Get a Dog

September 28, 2003
Earlier we wrote that everyone in California should get a pet mouse, so they'll be warned when another earthquake is on the way. Now Japanese researchers say dogs may also be able to predict earthquakes, and scientists there do seem... continued

CIA Versus White House

September 28, 2003
The CIA has requested that the Justice Department investigate a possible leak in the White House that revealed the name of an agent in a sensitive position, and may have compromised numerous CIA field officers and assets, possibly endangering some... continued

Microsoft Lawsuit Blamed for Computer Viruses

September 28, 2003
We have so many computer viruses and worms today because Microsoft essentially won the lawsuit which accused the company of stifling competition. This means that virtually all PCs use the same Windows operating system and thus share the same vulnerabilities,... continued

UFO Documents for Subscribers

September 28, 2003
In addition to videos and audio interviews,'s subscribers now have access to a downloadable document area. The first document to be made available is the SOM 101 Training Manual. This is a manual, apparently published back in the fifties,... continued

Kokomo Hum Identified

September 28, 2003
The source of the highly annoying Kokomo, Indiana hum, that has been making some people sick since 1999, has now been identified. An acoustics consulting firm says two industrial fans are sources of a mysterious sound. Jim Cowan of Acentech,... continued

Only a Few Left!

September 28, 2003
As a result of all our sales, we have only a few copies left of what have been some of our most popular books. We want to clear them out in order to make space for the wonderful new titles... continued

Mysterious Creatures All Around Us

September 26, 2003
People see monsters all over the world. William Dranginis of Virginia became obsessed with Bigfoot when he spotted one in 1995. People in Canada have seen a strange little creature that could be an alien?except it likes to eat chickens.... continued