Compelling Evidence for Government Complicity in 911

September 24, 2003
In our latest Insight, Walter E. Davis writes, "Clearly, one of the most critical questions of the twenty-first century concerns why the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 were not prevented?There are numerous aspects regarding the official stories about September... continued

Less Good Stuff to Spend That Tax Cut On

September 24, 2003
Caviar may soon cease to exist, because the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) miscounted the number of wild sturgeon, leading to continued overfishing. Will the rich be happy about their tax cut if they can't spend some... continued

Hitler May Have Acted Under Hypnosis

September 24, 2003
Forensic psychiatrist David Post thinks hypnosis may have been responsible for Hitler's dreadful deeds. When he was recovering from wounds suffered during World War I, he was given a hypnotic suggestion that he misinterpreted as divine revelation, telling him he... continued

Ozone Causing Major Aussie Drought

September 24, 2003
Australia is experiencing its worst drought in 100 years, due to the widening ozone hole. The ozone hole was once thought to only affect skin cancer rates in Australia, by letting in more ultraviolet light. But now it's been discovered... continued

Amazon: Ancient City, Future Dustbowl

September 23, 2003
Global warming could dry up the Amazon river and turn the tropical forest into a dustbowl in the next 50 years. This would be caused by a change in the rainfall patterns, brought on by changes in the Pacific ocean... continued

Save Us From Superbugs

September 23, 2003
Russian researcher Alexander Sulakvelidze came to the U.S. after Communism ended because "There was nothing left to do. Good scientists would come to work and spend all day playing cards and chess." When he arrived at the University of Maryland... continued

Isabel Just the Start

September 23, 2003
Meteorologists think Hurricane Isabel may be just the first of a long string of even bigger hurricanes that may keep coming for at least a decade. "We're not talking about a minor little increase," says Stanley Goldenberg of NOAA, "but... continued

Ice Shelf Break Up Ominous Sign

September 23, 2003
The largest ice shelf in the Arctic has broken up, Canada and the U.S. announced on Monday. The Ward Hunt Ice shelf has been a feature of the polar cap for at least 3,000 years. It has broken up as... continued

A History-Making Sale

September 22, 2003
Some of our most popular Dreamland guests write books that take a completely new look at the past, and now some of your favorites are on sale. Read on to find out what we've learned about history this year on... continued

Whitley’s Journal: Dancing in the Mirrors

September 21, 2003
In his latest Journal, Whitley writes, "At this moment on this website there are two of the most extraordinary interviews I have ever done. The first is with an abuctee, 'Cynthia,' on Dreamland. The second is with a particle physicist,... continued