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A Gift from Hurricane Isabel
September 21, 2003While Isabel caused destruction in many areas, it brought a gift to Primo D'Agata of Berlin, Connecticut. "I thought it was hail and I said to my wife, 'Ginger, it's hailing,'" he says. "I went back to reading my paper... continued
Government Grass Stinks
September 21, 2003Medical marijuana users in Canada may go back to the illegal stuff, if the government can't learn to grow it right. The Ministry of Health began distributing the drug to patients with serious illnesses last month. Canada has allowed the... continued
Whitley’s Journal: Dancing in the Mirrors
September 21, 2003In his latest Journal, Whitley writes, "At this moment on this website there are two of the most extraordinary interviews I have ever done. The first is with an abuctee, 'Cynthia,' on Dreamland. The second is with a particle physicist,... continued
Real Haunted House for Sale
September 21, 2003In Gold Hill, Oregon, there's a house for sale on 22 acres of land for $3.5 million?a lot for a place in this old gold mining town. But this is the Oregon Vortex, one of the most famous haunted sites... continued
Doctors Spreading Infection with Cell Phones
September 19, 2003Is your doctor always talking to his office or to patients on his cell phone? According to Israeli investigators, physicians are actually spreading infections throughout hospitals as they talk on their phones. Deborah Mitchell writes about a study in which... continued
Where Global Warming Shows Up First
September 19, 2003Researchers 150 miles north of the Arctic Circle are looking for signs of global warming, because they?ll show up here first. "?We're just getting to the point of understanding what is normal," says researcher John Hobbie. "Now we're looking for... continued
You Can Have West Nile & Not Know It
September 19, 2003100,000 Americans may get West Nile this year, but most of them will have only a 3 day bout of fever. Only about one in 150 will have more severe symptoms, and most people won't even know they have it.... continued
Vatican New Al-Qaeda Target
September 19, 2003Muslim prophets say the long-term targets of terrorism will continue to be Washington and New York. "There can be no doubt of the profound hostility entertained by Muslim apocalyptic writers towards the United States, and their intense desire to humiliate... continued
Whitley on Coast with Art Sunday
September 19, 2003Art Bell is taking over the weekend editions of Coast to Coast AM and Whitley will be talking with him on Sunday night. Look for Coast on your local AM talk station starting at 10 p.m. Pacific time. Whitley plans... continued
911 Insider Trading Linked to CIA
September 18, 2003While most of us were shocked and appalled by the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, some people made money?a lot of money?from them. A number of transactions in the financial markets indicated clear and specific knowledge about what was going to... continued