What Happened Last Time?

September 16, 2003
Scientists know the Earth's magnetic poles are getting ready to flip, so they plan to study an ice core shipped from Antarctica that can tell them what happened to the Earth the last time this occurred. They'll also be able... continued

How You Sleep Reveals Who You Are

September 16, 2003
Chris Idzikowski, of the Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service, has linked each of the the six most common sleeping positions to a personality type. He says, "We are all aware of our body language when we are awake but this... continued

Hybrid Human/Cow Embryos Created

September 16, 2003
A cloning scientist created "human/cow" embryos, containing DNA from both humans and cattle, which lived for several weeks and could have been implanted into a woman's womb. Jonathan Leake of The (U.K.) Sunday Times writes that Panayiotis Zavos made the... continued

Ghost Cops

September 16, 2003
Ghosts are haunting a police station in Kentucky and a government building in Australia. Kentucky cops are experiencing the usual strange ghostly phenomena, but in Australia, they're seeing the apparition of a nun. In Shelbyville, Kentucky, cops hear mysterious footsteps... continued

Shanghai So Heavy It’s Sinking

September 16, 2003
Shanghai, China's largest city, is literally sinking because too many big buildings have been constructed there during the building boom of the last ten years. Skyscrapers made of heavy concrete and steel have been built over an area that was... continued

2004 Crop Circle Calendars are Here!

September 16, 2003
Lucy Pringle's 2004 crop circle calendar is now in stock. If you receive our free newsletter, you got a special $2.00 off coupon. If you're a subscriber, you'll find a $3.00 off coupon in the subscriber section. These make great... continued

Why Teens Smoke More

September 16, 2003
Why do so many teenagers start smoking, when adults all around them are trying so hard to quit? It's not just because they're rebellious and more easily fooled by advertising, it's also because of the state of their developing brains.... continued

Crimes Against Women are Part of the Culture

September 16, 2003
Jordan is considered to be one of the most modern Middle Eastern countries, yet a woman is killed by a male relative there about every two weeks, because of alleged sexual transgressions?which include saying the wrong thing or even being... continued

Do Your Hot Water Pipes Breed Legionnaires Disease?

September 16, 2003
You may be harboring the dreaded Legionnaires Disease in your water pipes and home. The bacteria can grow in the slimy gunk lining the pipes and this may be the cause of about 20% of the cases. "The evidence suggests... continued

Household Plastics?More Dangerous Than You Think

September 14, 2003
Most of us eat a little plastic every day, because certain types of plastics leach dangerous chemicals into the food they contain?especially when they're heated?and these are even made into baby bottles. But scientists are creating edible food wraps made... continued