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Concorde May Fly Inside U.S.
September 18, 2003When the supersonic Concorde was first created, passengers in the U.S. looked forward to quick trips between major cities on the East and West coasts. But that hope was soon dashed when it was discovered that the Concorde emitted an... continued
911 Insider Trading Linked to CIA
September 18, 2003While most of us were shocked and appalled by the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, some people made money?a lot of money?from them. A number of transactions in the financial markets indicated clear and specific knowledge about what was going to... continued
Hot Food or Heart Attack
September 18, 2003Can't stand hot food? Then you'll have lots of warning if you have a heart attack, because the receptors that give you a burning sensation from eating chili peppers are the same ones that sense chest pain during a heart... continued
If He Builds It, Will They Come?
September 18, 2003Ghost researcher Richard Wiseman plans to build a "haunted house" in the English countryside. It won't be haunted until it has ghosts, of course, but he thinks if he builds it the right way?with many rooms and staircases, creaking floors... continued
Is Planet Earth Embedded in a Large Galactic Civilization?
September 17, 2003In our latest Insight, Particle physicist Beatriz Gato-Rivera writes: "I want to explore the intriguing possibility of whether we could be immersed in a large civilization without being aware of it? Do mountain gorillas know that their 'civilization' is embedded... continued
Crimes Against Women are Part of the Culture
September 16, 2003Jordan is considered to be one of the most modern Middle Eastern countries, yet a woman is killed by a male relative there about every two weeks, because of alleged sexual transgressions?which include saying the wrong thing or even being... continued
Do Your Hot Water Pipes Breed Legionnaires Disease?
September 16, 2003You may be harboring the dreaded Legionnaires Disease in your water pipes and home. The bacteria can grow in the slimy gunk lining the pipes and this may be the cause of about 20% of the cases. "The evidence suggests... continued
What Happened Last Time?
September 16, 2003Scientists know the Earth's magnetic poles are getting ready to flip, so they plan to study an ice core shipped from Antarctica that can tell them what happened to the Earth the last time this occurred. They'll also be able... continued
How You Sleep Reveals Who You Are
September 16, 2003Chris Idzikowski, of the Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service, has linked each of the the six most common sleeping positions to a personality type. He says, "We are all aware of our body language when we are awake but this... continued
Hybrid Human/Cow Embryos Created
September 16, 2003A cloning scientist created "human/cow" embryos, containing DNA from both humans and cattle, which lived for several weeks and could have been implanted into a woman's womb. Jonathan Leake of The (U.K.) Sunday Times writes that Panayiotis Zavos made the... continued