Did Secret Haarp Test Cause Blackout?

September 14, 2003
A scientist who wishes to remain anonymous says the secret government project HAARP was behind the recent Northeast power blackout. He thinks it might have been a test to see how HAARP could be used as a military weapon, as... continued

Household Plastics?More Dangerous Than You Think

September 14, 2003
Most of us eat a little plastic every day, because certain types of plastics leach dangerous chemicals into the food they contain?especially when they're heated?and these are even made into baby bottles. But scientists are creating edible food wraps made... continued

Mad Elk Dirt

September 14, 2003
Hunters in many states have been warned not to eat deer or elk meat, since it can be contaminated with chronic wasting disease (CWD), a version of Mad Cow Disease, which can be transferred to humans who eat the meat.... continued

Help for Two Major Epidemics

September 12, 2003
Two of our major health epidemics are AIDS and smoking (which leads to heart and respiratory illnesses, as well as cancer). Now a U.K. company has developed a vaccine that helps people quit smoking. And genetically-modified bacteria are being developed... continued

Annoying Pop-Ups Here to Stay

September 12, 2003
What most of us hate most about e-mail is spam, but pop-up ads are a close second. U-Haul went to court to complain that a moving company displayed pop-up ads when customers went to its U-Haul site and tried to... continued

Simple Test for Near-Death Experiences

September 12, 2003
Scientists are setting up a major experiment in the U.K. to find evidence about whether or not Near Death Experiences (NDEs) are real. They aren't going to use elaborate instruments to record the brain waves of patients in hospitals. Instead,... continued

Crop Circle Photo Shows UFO

September 12, 2003
People investigating a Canadian crop circle didn't notice the UFO flying in the sky above them, but saw it later in a photo they took. They describe the UFO as looking like a "flying tray." There's also a small ball... continued

Jupiter: Giant Trash Can?or Bomb?

September 12, 2003
How to dispose of radioactive materials is a major problem. It's not just medical waste?it's also the radioactive materials that power space satellites that we need to worry about. Jupiter has always been the "trash can" of our Solar System,... continued

Israel Almost Had 911 Too

September 11, 2003
On the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on Washington D.C. and the Twin Towers in New York, the Israeli military has announced that al-Qaeda recently tried to hijack a Saudi F-15E fighter and crash it into a major... continued

We Remember…

September 11, 2003
It remains in our archives as story number 752. It was posted about five minutes after American Airlines Flight 11 had impacted the World Trade Center. It is a simple, short story, put up as we were frantically trying to... continued