Help for Two Major Epidemics

September 12, 2003
Two of our major health epidemics are AIDS and smoking (which leads to heart and respiratory illnesses, as well as cancer). Now a U.K. company has developed a vaccine that helps people quit smoking. And genetically-modified bacteria are being developed... continued

We Remember…

September 11, 2003
It remains in our archives as story number 752. It was posted about five minutes after American Airlines Flight 11 had impacted the World Trade Center. It is a simple, short story, put up as we were frantically trying to... continued

Soldiers Dying in Iraq–And Not Just From War

September 11, 2003
Most of us cringe every time we turn on the news, fearing that we'll hear about the death of another soldier in Iraq. But they aren't just dying from stealth attacks and car bombs, they're contracting mysterious illnesses as well.... continued

Life on Venus

September 11, 2003
With Mars closer to Earth than it has been since prehistoric times, scientists hope to learn if there is (or ever was) life on Mars. They once assumed that the hostile environment of Venus meant there was never life on... continued

Israel Almost Had 911 Too

September 11, 2003
On the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on Washington D.C. and the Twin Towers in New York, the Israeli military has announced that al-Qaeda recently tried to hijack a Saudi F-15E fighter and crash it into a major... continued

Old Drugs? We End Up Drinking Them

September 10, 2003
What should we do with old prescription medicines? The pharmacy won't take them back, and most charities won't take them either. Most people flush them down the toilet, not realizing that they end up in the water we drink, so... continued

Plants Have Long Distance Romance

September 10, 2003
Can two plants living 100 miles apart find romance? They can if they have a gardener who's handy with a turkey baster. A rare female cycad plant, which only produces seeds every few years, is currently ready for fertilization in... continued

How Did First Americans Get Here?

September 10, 2003
Archeologists have long insisted that people first came to the Americas by crossing the Bering land bridge from Siberia between 10,000 and 18,000 years ago. However, most indigenous people in both North and South America deny this. South Americans say... continued

Strange Lights Over Louisiana

September 10, 2003
Andrew West Griffin wrote in the June 5th edition of about Louisiana crop circles. Now he says his hometown is being visited by UFOs. He writes: Controversy continues around the identity of strange lights appearing over areas in southwest... continued

Blond Inuit in Canada

September 8, 2003
Scientists are studying the "Blond Eskimos" of Canada to find out if they're related to early Viking explorers. Viking settlements mysteriously disappeared from Canada by the fifteenth century?did they go home, die off, of integrate into the local population? "It's... continued