Old Drugs? We End Up Drinking Them

September 10, 2003
What should we do with old prescription medicines? The pharmacy won't take them back, and most charities won't take them either. Most people flush them down the toilet, not realizing that they end up in the water we drink, so... continued

Join Us in New Prayer

September 8, 2003
Nothing else seems to work, so maybe prayer will do it. The Prayer Group's new intention is "That government secrecy come to an end." When it comes to UFOs, when it comes to international war and terrorism, we have a... continued

You Make Yourself Sick

September 8, 2003
If you have a lot of negative thoughts, you'll get sick more often. Activity in the part of the brain called the right pre-frontal cortex is linked to negative emotions, while brain activity in the opposite direction?in the left pre-frontal... continued

Different Kind of Life on Mars?

September 8, 2003
The planet Mars may have had life forms vastly different from Earth's, that emerged from deep beneath the Martian surface billions of years ago, and are based on DNA, genes and proteins that are unlike anything found on Earth. NASA's... continued

Police Helicopter Tapes UFO

September 8, 2003
Amazing images of a UFO in Brighton in the U.K. were caught on video by a police helicopter that was followed by the UFO for about 10 miles. UFOs are being seen by witnesses all over England. In another part... continued

Blond Inuit in Canada

September 8, 2003
Scientists are studying the "Blond Eskimos" of Canada to find out if they're related to early Viking explorers. Viking settlements mysteriously disappeared from Canada by the fifteenth century?did they go home, die off, of integrate into the local population? "It's... continued

Food Preferences?We’re Born With Them

September 8, 2003
People taste and smell things very differently, which is why one person loves broccoli and another person can't stand it. This means it may be impossible to convince your child to eat foods he hates. And our taste buds also... continued

Why Churches Play Organ Music

September 8, 2003
Ever wonder why churches have organs instead of pianos? The people who devised church services knew what they were doing, because organs emit infrasound, which is lower than 20 Hertz. Although it's inaudible to the human ear, it creates religious... continued

Fungus Warming

September 8, 2003
We know that global warming can be caused by carbon dioxide emissions, solar flares and natural Earth cycles, and...fungus? But it's true?there are tiny fungi living under the snow high in the Rocky Mountains that produce large quantities of greenhouse... continued

Searching at the Edge

September 8, 2003
Martin Rees, Britain's astronomer royal, says, "Our cosmic importance depends on whether we are alone or not. The main aim of science is to take steps toward answering the big questions." Now a Swedish university is funding a chair for... continued