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How to Erase Bad Memories
September 5, 2003UFO abductees want to get their memories back, and so do some abuse victims. Older people are concerned that their memories are getting weak. However, some people have the opposite problem: memories that are so traumatic, they desperately want to... continued
Massive UFO Wave Around the U.S.
September 5, 2003With Mars coming so close to the Earth, local media are reporting UFOs sightings all over the country, but it's not widely known that these are happening, since no national media have picked up the story. Below are a couple... continued
Tomb of Jesus’ Brother Found
September 3, 2003The ossuary that was found with the words "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus" on it has been declared a fake. But a tomb that has been known for centuries has now been identified as the burial place of... continued
New Virus Means Massive Spam
September 3, 2003A new version of the SoBig computer worm is expected any day, and this one will lead to a massive increase in spam (as if we're not overwhelmed by it already). The SoBig.F worm was designed to make computers all... continued
Scientist Collects ET Microbes
September 3, 2003NASA's Richard Hoover collects extraterrestrial microbes right here on Earth. He searches the most bizarre environments on Earth?areas that mimic the harsh conditions on other planets in our Solar System?for "extremophiles." He thinks some of these may have arrived on... continued
Tsunami in our Future
September 3, 2003If the Cumbre Vieja volcano in the Canary Islands were toerupt, it would send a giant tsunami wave towards the Atlantic Coast of the U.S. The eruption would cause a landslide that wouldgenerate a wave with energy equivalent to 6... continued
It’s Hotter Than Ever, Thanks to Us
September 2, 2003The Earth has been warmer since 1980 than it was at any time in the last 2,000 years. Scientists have reconstructed past climates from ice cores and tree rings, and say this is proof that human activities are changing our... continued
Asteroid May Hit Earth
September 2, 2003U.S. astronomers are warning of a possible asteroid collision with the Earth in 2014. They've discovered a large, fast-approaching asteroid that could hit the earth on March 21st of that year?but the chances of it happening are almost one in... continued
157 Witnesses to Canadian UFO
September 2, 2003Canadian UFO researcher Brian Vike reports on a UFO sighting on July 28 that had 157 witnesses. Some of them saw a strange white light that moved in a zigzag direction, while others saw an incredible arc of white light... continued
Student Finds Ancient Fossil in Sidewalk
September 2, 2003University of Arizona senior Greg Cranwell was walking on campus when, he says, "I was looking down at the flagstone and thought I saw something. I was unsure but I thought 'what's it going to hurt if I just look?'"... continued