Soon We’ll All be Decked in Diamonds

August 28, 2003
An ex-Army officer in Florida is using secret Soviet technology to create fake diamonds that are indistinguishable from "real" ones. Soon we'll all be able to afford to wear masses of them?but when it's no longer a status symbol, will... continued

Athletic Gene Makes a Difference

August 28, 2003
Scientists have found a gene that helps determine how athletic you are. Since this study was done in Australia, it doesn't answer the controversial question about why Blacks dominate sports in the U.S.?is it genetics, "culling" during slavery, or seizing... continued

Can We Predict When Yellowstone Will Blow?

August 28, 2003
A major supervolcano eruption is overdue in Yellowstone Park, which could darken the skies over the rest of the U.S. for years to come. Scientists would love to know how to accurately predict this and other eruptions, and now Bernard... continued

Major Sightings from Canada’s UFO Capital

August 28, 2003
We recently wrote that British Columbia has become the UFO capital of Canada. It's even become a tourist destination, since one-third of all Canadian sightings come from there. For subscribers this week, we interview UFO researcher Brian Vike, who tells... continued

Mars: Water or Ice?

August 27, 2003
Mars has come closer to Earth than it's been at any time since 57,617 BC, when both early Homo sapiens and Neanderthals could look up at the sky and see it. Soon we'll know the answer to the hottest Martian... continued


August 27, 2003
Scientists are speculating about what will happen if the melting ice caps cause the Earth to change its tilt. Would life would still be possible if this happened? One way to find out is to study other planets with tilts... continued

Saddam’s Weapons Buried in Lebanon

August 27, 2003
Will we ever find Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, so we can justify our invasion of Iraq? Now we've learned that those elusive WMDs may have been buried in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. However, the area is guarded by Iraqis, Iranians,... continued

Yellowstone Restless?Eruption Overdue

August 27, 2003
We recently wrote about a huge underwater bulge in a lake in Yellowstone National Park that's getting ready to blow. Three years ago, the BBC ran a story about supervolcanoes in Yellowstone. Only a few of these exist, hidden deep... continued

Where Will We Farm in the Future?

August 26, 2003
The hellish heat wave is finally breaking in Europe, and being replaced with severe storms. Now Europe is wondering if hot summers may become permanent, due to global warming. If this is the case, they'll need to find new places... continued

Did 1995 Crop Circle Predict Something for September 6?

August 26, 2003
Andy Thomas writes in that a 1995 crop circle, in the form of an astronomical diagram, showed our solar system as it will look on September 6, 2003. Last June, a crop circle in Belgium seemed to point to... continued