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Terrorist Worms
August 25, 2003Microsoft thinks the recent "Blaster" worm and SoBig computer viruses are a terrorist attack and is cooperating with the FBI. Microsoft says the viruses exhibit signs of a coordinated attack by someone wanting to disrupt world commerce. However, no terrorist... continued
Don’t Quit Now?It Works
August 24, 2003We've had reports that meditating for contact is working, so don't quit now?join Whitley in a new meditation. Click "Listen Now" on our masthead to access Meditation Five. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have... continued
UFOs & Conspiracy?Both on Sale
August 24, 2003UFO books and Conspiracy books are on sale in our store, so if you think there's a conspiracy to cover up UFO information, now's the time to jump in your hammock with a good book. NOTE: This news story, previously... continued
World’s Craziest Lawsuit?
August 24, 2003The U.S. is known for having the most frivolous lawsuits, but that's about to change. A group of Egyptian expatriates living in Switzerland is getting ready to sue "all the Jews of the world" for taking Egyptian treasure with them... continued
GM Wheat can be Poisonous
August 24, 2003It's been discovered that Monsanto's Roundup herbicide encourages the growth of toxic fungus in wheat. Genetically-modified wheat, also produced by Monsanto, has been especially engineered to be immune to Roundup, so that an entire field can be sprayed and only... continued
Fish?a Natural Prozac
August 24, 2003Fish oil, which contains omega-3 fatty acids, works as well for depression as Prozac. "We've been very impressed by the response rates we've observed," says psychiatrist David Mischoulon. "We believe there is definitely something to these treatments." Maybe some of... continued
Ozone Hole Almost Closed, Now Record Size
August 24, 2003A year ago, we wrote that the ozone hole over the Antarctic was finally closing. Now "the growth at the moment is similar to 2000 when the hole was a record size," says Australian scientist Andrew Klekociuk. At that time... continued
Saddam’s Wife & Wizard
August 21, 2003Interviews with Saddam's wizard and his secret wife reveal a lot about the Iraqi dictator. His wizard predicted his downfall and his wife's brother tried to overthrow his government. Saddam's personal magician won't reveal his name. "That man is still... continued
Our Ancestors were Worms
August 21, 2003In another blow for Creationism, scientists have discovered that we're related to an ancient worm that lives at the bottom of a lake in Sweden. It doesn't have a brain or sex organs, but it does have the same kind... continued
Al-Qaeda Threatens Athletes
August 21, 2003Al-Qaeda has threatened chemical attacks against athletes participating in the World University Games in South Korea. The Korean National Intelligence Service says,"We received a tip from a governmental agency that the Universiade games is a possible target for an Islamic... continued