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August Heatwave: Time to Buy that Winter Coat
August 18, 2003A new study of body lice reveals that humans started wearing clothes 70,000 years ago. And ever since, stores have been trying to sell us winter coats in August?but that may finally be changing. "I can't face winter coats in... continued
Extraordinary Wisconsin Crop Circle
August 15, 2003A huge crop circle formation has been discovered in a wheat field near the village of Clyman, Wisconsin (pop. 370), about 20 miles from the crop circles discovered earlier. The new formation was over 350 feet long along one axis... continued
Contact Meditation Works!
August 15, 2003Click "Listen Now" on our masthead to listen to Whitley's 4th meditation for extraterrestrial contact. Does it work? Here's what one listener writes: "Increased contact? Oh, yes! Thankfully, others in my home are experiencing the bizarre along me, so I... continued
Birth Control is Nothing New
August 15, 2003Women today are thankful that have birth control so they can avoid having too many children to care for. David W. Tschanz writes that, contrary to popular belief, women in the past knew a lot about contraception. In order to... continued
Is Sunshine Good for Us?or Not?
August 15, 2003Suicide rates worldwide are at the highest in the summer, and it turns out it's not just because of the heat. But people who get more sun actually have less cancer, so what's a person to do? Elizabeth Svoboda writes... continued
It Will Soon be Impossible to Spot UFOs
August 15, 2003In the coming years, all kinds of new spacecraft will be roaming the skies. Many of these are unfamiliar to us and will be reported as UFOs. Strange sightings will no longer be attributed to ball lightning, they'll be dismissed... continued
Was Blackout Due to Nuke Plant Sabotage?
August 15, 2003The great blackout of 2003 should not have been possible, and power officials did not believe it could happen before it did. Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Radio One stated that the problem began with a disruption at a nuclear power plant... continued
Antibiotics in Cattle Not Needed?and They Make Us Sick
August 13, 2003Ever since ranchers stopped grazing their cattle, and started fattening them up more quickly with corn, they've had to dose them with antibiotics, since cows can't digest corn easily and it often makes them ill. Corn feeding also produces beef... continued
Mt. Rainier Could Devastate Seattle Area
August 13, 2003The U.S. Geologic Survey warns that Mount Rainier near Seattle is getting ready to spew out another ton of mud, and that could be only the beginning of an eruptive period. USGS volcano monitor William E. Scott says it's "a... continued
The Indigo Children are Back!
August 13, 2003Who are these mysterious, super smart kids who are joining our families and causing us so much trouble? If you've got one, you probably need help, which is why we've brought this popular book back to our store. NOTE: This... continued