UFO Books on Sale This Week!

August 8, 2003
Check out the Great Sales! section of our store for these special books about UFOs?all marked down from their original prices (which were discounted to start with). Some of them are no longer available from publishers, so there are only... continued

Is Cold Atlantic Sign of Climate Change?

August 7, 2003
The long hot summer, along with recent droughts, makes some scientists think global warming may be here with a vengeance. But the real sign of climate change will be when Europe gets colder, because the ocean current that warms it... continued

UFO May Have Made Canadian Crop Circles

August 7, 2003
Crop circles have appeared in a wheat field in Ontario, Canada shortly after a UFO was spotted in the sky nearby. Farmer Erv Willert found the circles this week while combining his wheat. "I've never seen anything like it," he... continued

Macchu Picchu was King’s Country House

August 7, 2003
Archeologists have a new interpretation of Macchu Picchu, known as the magical "lost city" of the Incas. To get their new evidence, they didn't have to travel to Peru?they simply dug for artifacts in the basement of the Peabody Museum... continued

Cosmic Dust Storm is Coming

August 7, 2003
We're at the beginning of a ten-year-long cosmic dust storm and we don't know what the consequences will be. The Sun's magnetic poles have flipped, as they do periodically, so now some of the dust that floats around in our... continued

African-Americans Can Find Their Roots

August 6, 2003
Jennifer Friedlin writes in Wired Magazine that it's now possible for African-Americans to use DNA testing to find out exactly where their ancestors came from. Using a home testing kit, users send a cheek swab to African Ancestry, which sequences... continued

Against the War? You’re on the List

August 6, 2003
Andrew Gumbel writes in The (U.K.) Independent that next time you take a plane trip, be aware that you may be on a secret government list. The government has finally admitted it's been keeping a list of anti-war activists, and... continued

Senate Bill: Vitamins Only by Prescription

August 6, 2003
The World Trade Organization's food and drug regulatory body is controlled by big drug companies, and they are trying to use it to make all but the smallest doses of vitamins illegal to purchase without a prescription worldwide. This is... continued

We’re Still Taking Risks for Beauty

August 6, 2003
An incredibly well-preserved jar of 2,000-year-old face cream was found at the site of an ancient Roman temple in London. The cream even had its user's fingerprints still in it. It was made from donkey's milk, and other ancient cosmetics... continued

Summer in Europe is Hell

August 6, 2003
Forest fires burning out of control, drought killing off farm crops, power grids failing due to the overuse of air conditioners?sounds like the summer in the U.S., but it's this summer in Europe instead. Europeans are trying to figure out... continued