UFO Capital of the Northeast

July 30, 2003
Beth Quinn writes in the Middletown (N.Y.) Times Herald-Record that UFO activity has not slowed down in Pine Bush, New York. The cabin where Whitley Strieber had the "Communion experience" is less than twenty miles away. After 911, a National... continued

Air Force Investigates Wisconsin Crop Circles

July 30, 2003
Cropcirclenews.com has a detailed report about the Mayville, Wisconsin crop circles from the research team of Jeffrey Wilson, Charles Lietzau, Gary Kahlimer and Roger Sugden. They took samples from the circles, and proved that they were not manmade. Now they... continued

A Vacation in Crime, Part II

July 30, 2003
Margot Roosevelt writes in Time Magazine that marijuana is being secretly grown in national parks all over the U.S. Rangers wearing camouflage and carrying rifles creep around among the campers, trying to bust the park pot growers. Forest Service investigator... continued

FBI Treasure Hunt

July 30, 2003
Anthrax-making equipment found in a pond in Maryland, bioweapons buried at nearby Fort Detrick?the FBI has been on a lot of treasure hunts lately. Now Pierre Thomas and Risa Molitz reveal in an abcnews.com exclusive that the government is digging... continued

Nazi-Era Message in a Bottle

July 29, 2003
On July 17, we wrote a story about a ghostly message in a bottle that parents received from their long dead son. Now a bottle with a message from a refugee fleeing the Nazis during World War II has been... continued

Rat Brain Makes Art

July 29, 2003
Lakshmi Sandhana writes in bbcnews.com about an Australian robot arm that draws pictures and is powered by the brain of a rat, which is sitting in a petri dish in the U.S. The arm holds three colored markers above a... continued

New Theory of How Pyramids Were Built

July 29, 2003
Sarah Kennedy writes in The Ottawa Citizen that 69-year-old Nick Raina says he can build a Great Pyramid just like the one in Egypt, using only hand tools and minimal force. He's not an engineer?he describes himself as "an eccentric... continued

Is it Warming or Cooling?

July 29, 2003
Reporter Alister Doyle writes that while the world is suffering through one of the hottest years on record due to global warming, some places are getting much colder. "We are disrupting the entire climate system," says Rajendra Pachauri, of the... continued

A Vacation in Crime

July 29, 2003
Chris Cuomo reports for ABC News 20/20 that national parks are not always the bucolic places they're supposed to be. In many of them, park rangers are fighting drug dealers, smugglers, and even terrorists. "Just about any type of crime... continued

Loosen Your Tie and Save Your Eyes

July 29, 2003
Wear your tie too tight and you risk blindness. A recent study measured the pressure of the fluid in the eyeballs of a group of men before and after they put on their ties. Researchers found a significant rise in... continued