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Alien Caught on Film–An Update
July 28, 2003Contrary to previous reports, the group of photos of which this is one are not single images from a digital camera, and are not using an infrared light source, nor were they made in Italy.They are allegedly frames from a... continued
Alien Caught on Film–Or Another Hoax?
July 27, 2003This photograph was allegedly taken in Bologna recently, as part of a series that captured aliens using an infrared light source on the camera. We have examined the photographs as carefully as possible via the digitally reduced versions that are... continued
What’s Up With the Hum?
July 27, 2003The quest for the source of the strange sound known as the Kokomo hum--the low, unending sound that's been driving residents of this Indiana town nuts for a couple of years--is still going on. The town is paying sound expert... continued
Happiness is the Best Medicine
July 27, 2003You've tried the pizza cure. Maybe you've even tried the cure from Thailand. Now try the latest cure: Be happy. Jamie Cohen writes for abcnews.com that while Americans get 1 billion colds a year, happier people get fewer of them.... continued
Saddam Hiding WMD in Syria
July 27, 2003Israeli intelligence says Saddam has lots of weapons of mass destruction, as well as nuclear weapons. According to them, during the year before the U.S. invaded Iraq, Saddam transferred all of his weapons to Syria, including equipment, material and even... continued
Second Contact Meditation Available
July 25, 2003Spend fifteen minutes meditating with Whitley in an effort to make contact with the unknown presence that is responsible for UFOs. This August, Mars will be closer to Earth than it's been in recent history, and statistically, when Mars is... continued
New Cancer Protection: Pizza
July 24, 2003Italian researchers say eating pizza can protect against cancer. This is certainly more palatable than the latestcure from Thailand. They say eating pizza regularly reduces the risk of developing cancer of the esophagus by 59%. Colon cancer fell by 26%... continued
Nazi Bombers Buried Under Busy Airport
July 24, 2003Allan Hall writes for The Scotsman that recently discovered East German intelligence files reveal that tons of live ammunition, as well as fueled Nazi fighter planes, are buried in concrete bunkers beneath Schoenefeld airport, which is used by thousands of... continued
Diamonds are Pollution’s Best Friend
July 24, 2003Andy Coghlan writes in New Scientist magazine about a marvelous way to clean up carbon dioxide?turn it into diamonds. "We are changing a waste gas into gems," says Chinese researcher Qianwang Chen. It's even cheaper than the current method of... continued
Go UFO Watching on Your Next Vacation
July 24, 2003Strange flashing lights have been seen in the sky in the Worcestershire area of England. BBC cameraman Tom Hines even filmed them with a video camera. And UFOs have been turning up so often in one part of Canada that... continued