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Why the Moon Flag Waves
July 24, 2003Gina Treadgold writes for abcnews.com that planting a flag on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission was a top secret project in 1969. NASA engineer Tom Moser says, "?It had to be done quietly, because putting a U.S. flag... continued
Birds No Longer Scared of Us
July 24, 2003Attacks on humans by gulls and buzzards are increasing, meaning some birds may be learning to fear us less. Other birds are adapting to our presence by changing their songs, so they can be heard above the traffic noise. Simon... continued
You Have Two Cows?
July 24, 2003Want to understand international politics? It's all here. NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued
New Cancer Protection: Pizza
July 24, 2003Italian researchers say eating pizza can protect against cancer. This is certainly more palatable than the latestcure from Thailand. They say eating pizza regularly reduces the risk of developing cancer of the esophagus by 59%. Colon cancer fell by 26%... continued
Nazi Bombers Buried Under Busy Airport
July 24, 2003Allan Hall writes for The Scotsman that recently discovered East German intelligence files reveal that tons of live ammunition, as well as fueled Nazi fighter planes, are buried in concrete bunkers beneath Schoenefeld airport, which is used by thousands of... continued
Diamonds are Pollution’s Best Friend
July 24, 2003Andy Coghlan writes in New Scientist magazine about a marvelous way to clean up carbon dioxide?turn it into diamonds. "We are changing a waste gas into gems," says Chinese researcher Qianwang Chen. It's even cheaper than the current method of... continued
Go UFO Watching on Your Next Vacation
July 24, 2003Strange flashing lights have been seen in the sky in the Worcestershire area of England. BBC cameraman Tom Hines even filmed them with a video camera. And UFOs have been turning up so often in one part of Canada that... continued
How Monsters are Made
July 23, 2003In her new diary, Anne Strieber writes, "Now that we've identified Uday and Qusay by their dental records, so we know they're really and truly dead, we can step back and take a look at these psychopaths?Why should this interest... continued
How Long Can We Live?
July 22, 2003Adam Tanner writes that scientists say we may eventually live to be hundreds of years old. "I think we are knocking at the door of immortality," says Michael Zey. "?What was science fiction a decade ago is no longer science... continued
Nessie in Vermont
July 22, 2003Sam Hemingway writes in The Burlington (VT) Free Press that researchers have recorded underwater sounds from Champ, the Nessie of Lake Champlain, using sonar equipment. They're a rapid series of ticks similar to sounds made by whales or dolphins?only ten... continued