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Photos of Sick Boy’s Guardian Angels
July 22, 2003Michael Flannery writes in abcnews.com that 10-year-old Ryan Reynolds of Cincinnati, who recently died from a brain tumor, could see his guardian angels?and his mom took photos of them. "We had first thought that it was something to do with... continued
Air Force Pilots Abducted
July 22, 2003Andrew Griffin writes in thetowntalk.com about two Air Force pilots who may have been abducted 50 years ago. Canadian UFO investigator Gordon Heath has been trying to find out what happened to Air Force pilot 1st Lt. Felix E. "Gene"... continued
Yeti DNA Matches No Known Creature
July 22, 2003Explorers may have proven that a Yeti-like creature is living in Sumatra, because hairs and a footprint found there do not belong to any known species. They're searching for the Orang Pendek, also known as the Sumatran Yeti. According to... continued
Satellites Show Korea’s Making Bombs
July 22, 2003Rob Edwards writes in New Scientist magazine that the U.S. can tell North Korea is extracting plutonium from nuclear power plant fuel rods and using it to make bombs, because satellites are detecting signs of the radioactive gas krypton-85 in... continued
Biblical Burning Bush Explained
July 21, 2003Norwegian reporter Hanne Dankertsen writes that researchers have found the explanation for the burning bush, from which God spoke to Moses in the Bible. They went to the Sahara desert to study bushes that were setting themselves on fire. Smoke... continued
Superbugs Spread from Patients to Visitors
July 21, 2003Will Boggs writes that not only do some hospital patients become infected with superbugs, their visitors can take the infection home with them. Antibiotic-resistant staph infections are now frequently found outside hospitals. Dr. David P. Calfee studied 172 personal contacts... continued
Farmer Watches Crop Circle Form
July 21, 2003A farmer in Wisconsin saw a crop circle being formed in his barley field. Arthur Rantala says, "The holes appeared and there it was but you couldn't see what made it, but I [saw] it right when it happened." He... continued
Married in Space
July 21, 2003A Russian cosmonaut and an American woman are planning a long distance marriage on August 10th, because they can't find time to get married on the ground. Yekaterina Dmitriev, who lives in Richmond, Texas, plans to marry Russian Air Force... continued
Can Candy Bars be Healthy?
July 18, 2003The makers of Snickers are planning to add vitamins, minerals and protein to their candy and call the new version the Snickers Marathon. Nutritionist Bonnie Liebman says this will be nothing but "fortified junk food." Liebman says most people don't... continued
Australia May Become 51st State
July 18, 2003Tess Livingstone writes in the Australia Courier-Mail that Australia may become our 51st state. American-born historian David Mosler says there's a 20% chance of Australia becoming a state in the next 50 years, and chances would increase if there was... continued