Meditate for Contact

July 18, 2003
Spend fifteen minutes meditating with Whitley in an effort to make contact with the unknown presence that is responsible for UFOs. This August, Mars will be closer to Earth than it's been in recent history, and statistically, when Mars is... continued

Can Candy Bars be Healthy?

July 18, 2003
The makers of Snickers are planning to add vitamins, minerals and protein to their candy and call the new version the Snickers Marathon. Nutritionist Bonnie Liebman says this will be nothing but "fortified junk food." Liebman says most people don't... continued

Australia May Become 51st State

July 18, 2003
Tess Livingstone writes in the Australia Courier-Mail that Australia may become our 51st state. American-born historian David Mosler says there's a 20% chance of Australia becoming a state in the next 50 years, and chances would increase if there was... continued

Ghostly Message in a Bottle

July 17, 2003
Roger Clay died in a motorcycle accident 5 years ago, at the age of 21, but his parents received one last message from him?in a note he put in a bottle and dropped in the ocean in 1984, when he... continued

Scientist Investigates Noah’s Flood

July 17, 2003
Eve Conant writes in Newsweek that underwater explorer Robert Ballard is investigating the legend of Noah's ark. Many historians think the worldwide flood legends originated about 7,500 years ago at the end of the ice age, when the Aegean Sea... continued

A Movie Could Cause Your Plane to Crash

July 17, 2003
It's not only dangerous to use your cell phone in flight, it may also be dangerous to watch a movie. Gary Stoller writes in USA Today that in March, a Boeing 757 had to return to a U.S. airport when... continued

Nessie Fossil Found in Scotland

July 17, 2003
China's version of Nessie was seen last week, and a man found a fossil that could be from the original Nessie in Loch Ness. China's Lake Tianchi Monster was spotted July 11 in a lake near North Korea, where similar... continued

It’s Jim Marrs Week on Dreamland

July 17, 2003
This week we have two interviews with one of your favorite authors, conspiracy expert Jim Marrs. He talks with Whitley starting Saturday about his new book on the conspiracies behind 911. And he has a special interview about aliens on... continued

Confederate Gold?in Canada?

July 16, 2003
Randy Boswell reports in The Ottawa Citizen that Canadian treasure hunter Bob Brewer has found Confederate gold and silver coins which he believes are part of the treasure of a secret society called the Knights of the Golden Circle. The... continued

It’s Official in Russia: UFOs are Real

July 16, 2003
In the British-based UFO Magazine, editor Graham Birdsall interviewed Valery Uvarov, who says, "I am head of the Department of UFO Research, Science and Technical, National Security Academy, based in St Petersburg, Russia?We are constantly analyzing data coming in from... continued