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North Korea’s Next
July 16, 2003Former defense secretary William Perry says North Korea is rapidly reprocessing spent nuclear fuel rods in order to build up its nuclear arsenal. He says, "I have thought for some months that if the North Koreans moved toward processing, then... continued
Strange Bugs in CA Crop Circle
July 16, 2003It?s been discovered that the holes bored in cornstalks in a California crop circle that?s believed to be a hoax were made by the European Corn Borer. The European Corn Borer is an agricultural threat, and this is apparently the... continued
Are Bush’s Lies White or Black?
July 15, 2003In her latest diary, Anne Strieber talks about being lied to by Bush. She writes, "I think voters expect to be lied to. We've gotten used to it, but that doesn't make it right. However, it may be inevitable, if... continued
Secret Sex Lives of Women
July 14, 2003Scientists have long been puzzled by a basic contradiction: Men brag about having lots of sex partners, but women claim to have sex with fewer men, so one group has to be lying. Are men bragging or are women being... continued
Sea Junk
July 14, 2003Amanda Onion writes in abcnews.com that due to falling cargo and illegal dumping, a lot of junk ends up in the ocean. Beachcomber Curt Ebbesmeyer says a lot of loot has recently blown in due to strong southwesterly winds. He's... continued
CA Crop Circles: It’s Not Over Yet
July 14, 2003Regarding the recent California crop circle, one researcher writes, "?Crop circle 'confessions' are common in England, but are virtually never supported by any corroborating evidence. So last week's alleged confession by some local teenagers who claim the made the Vacaville... continued
Dyslexia Caused by Teaching Method
July 14, 2003In the past few decades, educators have argued fiercely about how to teach reading. One group believes in phonics ("sounding out" words). Another group pushes sight reading, pointing out that adult readers rarely sound out words. While this has been... continued
Pollution Affects Trees
July 13, 2003But Not the Way You Think - Pollution in New York City is affecting trees?it's making them grow bigger than the same kind of trees growing in the country. Ecologist Jillian Gregg says, "City-grown pollution, and ozone in particular, is... continued
Terrorist Forest Fires
July 13, 2003The annual summer wildfires are harmful both to our weather and to our health. Judd Slivka writes in The Arizona Republic that U.S. forests have been considered as possible targets by al-Qaeda terrorists. An al-Qaeda prisoner told the FBI he'd... continued
The Reality Behind Bush’s Africa Trip
July 13, 2003The reality of the president's visit to Africa is very different from what is appearing in the American press, now openly controlled by tacit agreement between the big corporations that own it and the government. This letter is from an... continued