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Scottish Horse Whisperers Started KKK
July 6, 2003Ever wonder why the notorious KKK is called the "Klan?" According to Scottish veterinarian and author Russell Lyon, it's because it was started by a group of horse whisperers from Scotland. Lyon spent five years tracing the history of these... continued
Giant Blobs and Walking Coffins
July 6, 2003Some strange creatures have come up from the deep lately. Scientists in New Zealand have discovered the walking coffin fish, the wonky-eyed squid and the Pacific spookfish. Researchers in Chile found a giant beached blob. The huge, gelatinous sea creature... continued
A Scientist Weighs the Soul
July 6, 2003Dr. Duncan MacDougall believed that if there's a soul that exists separately from our brains and bodies, then it has to take up physical space and have weight, and this can be measured. The way to find out is to... continued
Doomsday Weather in June
July 6, 2003In a startling announcement, the World Meteorological Organization says the world's weather is going crazy. The WMO usually produces dry, detailed scientific reports, but this time it's sounded an alarm because of the record extremes in weather that have been... continued
Hermaphrodite Created in a Test Tube
July 4, 2003On July 1st, we report that an aborted fetus can now become a mother. Martin Hutchinson writes in bbcnews.com that the bizarre experiments haven't stopped: a U.S. scientists has created a hermaphrodite embryo that is both male and female. Dr.... continued
CA Crop Circle Adds to Scientific Mystery, by Leslie Kean
July 4, 2003Last summer crop circles were in the news with the release of the movie "Signs." This time around, the Bay Area has been graced with the real thing. The recent design found in a Rockville wheat field in Solano County... continued
Osama Caught?and Let Go?in Iran
July 4, 2003Italian intelligence says Osama bin-Laden and his son Saad have been traveling to Iran from Afghanistan regularly for meetings with al-Qaeda members there. They use Iranian passports and identify themselves as businessmen. When they were recently spotted in Tehran a... continued
Mass Hacker Attack Due Sunday
July 4, 2003Watch out: The Department of Homeland Security and private technology experts are warning us that hackers plan to attack thousands of websites on Sunday in a coordinated "contest" that could disrupt traffic on the internet. Their goal is to vandalize... continued
Special Dreamland Report on Brazilian Bedsheet Abduction
July 3, 2003Brazil's MUFON Director A.J. Gevaerd claims that the controversial Brazilian bedsheet abduction of Urandir Oliviera is a hoax and says Olivera is the leader of a large cult. On unknowncountry, we have reported on the many clashing points of view... continued
Safe Cigarettes Could Have Been Made Years Ago
July 2, 2003A company is developing "safe" cigarettes that reduce the risk of emphysema, using research done by the big tobacco companies. Why didn't these companies use their own research to make cigarettes safer? They were afraid it would be seen as... continued