Same Person Mutilating Cats in Two States?

July 1, 2003
We recently wrote about a wave of cat mutilations in Salt Lake City. Now Jason Felch writes in The Denver Post that mutilated cats are being found almost every day in Denver. Some of them have even been mutilated before... continued

Al-Qaeda Doctrine Infiltrating U.S.

June 30, 2003
A senate subcommittee on terrorism says Saudi Arabia is indoctrinating U.S. Muslims in terrorism. They say the Saudis plan to build hundreds of mosques in the U.S. in a bid to take control of Islam here, and that they're also... continued

Miracle Man

June 30, 2003
Hira Ratan Manek is a 64-year-old mechanical engineer from India who says he's survived on only liquids and sunlight for eight years. He's now in the U.S. being studied by NASA, so they can figure out how he does it.... continued

More Evidence of a Roswell Coverup?

June 30, 2003
Steven Aftergood of Secrecy News writes that on July 28, 1995, the General Accounting Office published a report on the Roswell Incident that said all the Roswell records had been destroyed. Now it's been discovered that the CIA has destroyed... continued

Horse Mutilations

June 30, 2003
Horses have been found mutilated in the U.K. In one case, a dead female horse was slashed in the belly with a sharp instrument. There was hardly any blood in the field where she was found, although several gallons of... continued

The Terrible Sex Lives of Bugs

June 29, 2003
We've learned that, after sex, the female praying mantis bites the head off her mate and eats him. Now Philip Cohen writes in New Scientist magazine that in one species of orb-weaving spiders, sex means certain death, because the deceased... continued

Afraid of Earthquakes? Get a Mouse

June 29, 2003
Everyone in Los Angeles should get a pet mouse. Why?Because mice can predict earthquakes. Japanese researchers say mice act strangely after being exposed to low levels of electromagnetism of the kind which is often in the atmosphere just before a... continued

A Christian Impact

June 29, 2003
The Bible says a star announced the birth of Jesus. Now geologists say a meteor that landed in Italy in 312 AD may have been seen as a sign from God by the Roman emperor Constantine, causing him to convert... continued

Now: Videos for Subscribers

June 29, 2003
We're now providing videos on our subscribers section! The first one, available now, is of the operation to remove the implant on Whitley's ear. He clearly remembers it being put there. Did the doctor succeed in removing it?or not? Find... continued

The Worst Addictions Start Early

June 27, 2003
Permissive parents, who feel their teens are old enough to make decisions for themselves, should know that at that stage of mental development, the part of the brain that tells them to experiment with drugs is much more advanced than... continued