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Why This Book is Important
June 26, 2003NASA Chief Engineer Paul Hill, author of Unconventional Flying Objects, was a distinguished, award winning engineer of the very highest caliber, who knew UFOs are real because he saw them himself. Instead of denying their existence or blaming them on... continued
You Too Can be a Savant
June 25, 2003In the June 22nd Sunday New York Times, Lawrence Osborne writes about Australian researcher Allan Snyder, who has developed the Medtronic Mag Pro. When you wear it on your head, it turns you into a savant. Scientists have always been... continued
Paganism is on the Rise
June 25, 2003The soaring numbers of new pagans may have been influenced by TV shows and films like "Harry Potter," "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Sabrina the Teenage Witch." There has been record attendance at rites held near Stonehenge in the U.K.... continued
Visions of the Amazing and the Miraculous
June 25, 2003Eric Convey writes in the Boston Herald that Milton Hospital in Massachusetts seems to be the site of a miracle. First, one of the building's windows showed what looked like a clear image of the Virgin Mary. Now, there seem... continued
King Arthur was?Italian?
June 25, 2003According to author Mario Moiraghi, the legend of King Arthur, his sword Excalibur, and the knights of the Round Table originated in Italy, and not in England. Moiraghi says a sword embedded in a rock in an abbey in Tuscany... continued
Monogamy Can be Lethal
June 25, 2003Amanda Onion writes in abcnews.com that monogamy may be good for a marriage, but in some animals, it's bad for the species. Researchers in Ghana have discovered that animals living on reserves, with access to fewer mates than they would... continued
Gas Tax
June 25, 2003In New Zealand, farmers have to pay a "gas tax" based on the flatulence of their farm animals. Scientists say methane emitted by farm animals is responsible for more than half of New Zealand?s greenhouse gases. Last year, New Zealand... continued
Solar Flares Now Strike Without Warning
June 25, 2003Robert Roy Britt writes in Space.com that the SOHO spacecraft, which warns us about large solar flares, has a stuck antenna which causes blackout periods, when it can't send home data. If a giant solar flare should occur?and there have... continued
Why Do Cannibals Do It?
June 25, 2003It's not just humans who practice cannibalism: birds, certain flies, our close cousins the chimpanzees, and even bacteria eat their own kind. Intelligent species, like humans, may eat each other for psychological or religious reasons. Chimps seem to do it... continued
Mercury in Autism May Come from Mother’s Teeth
June 23, 2003Autism is increasing at an alarming rate in the U.S. and in Europe. Mercury preservative in vaccinations (which is no longer used) has been blamed, but then why don't all children develop this problem? Now researchers think that children who... continued