Red UFO Scans People

June 23, 2003
The SciFi Channel is trying to get the government to investigate more UFO sightings, and has hired former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta as their Washington lobbyist.They could begin with a new sighting in Georgia of a red UFO... continued

Mercury in Autism May Come from Mother’s Teeth

June 23, 2003
Autism is increasing at an alarming rate in the U.S. and in Europe. Mercury preservative in vaccinations (which is no longer used) has been blamed, but then why don't all children develop this problem? Now researchers think that children who... continued

Proof of Exodus?or Not?

June 23, 2003
Peter and Mark Elmer have figured out the route Moses took to lead the Jews out of Egypt 3,000 years ago. Neither of them are trained archeologists?Peter is a mechanic in the U.K. and Mark makes surgical appliances there. There's... continued

Highrise Hay Fever

June 23, 2003
You suffer from terrible allergies every spring, but how can this be? You don't live in the country, you live and work in skyscrapers in the middle of a city. Scientists now say that tall buildings are one of the... continued

Cancerous Conditions at Glamorous High School

June 23, 2003
An alarming number of cases of cancer are turning up among former students of Beverly Hills High School in California, in one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the country. Many of its graduates became movie stars. People blame the... continued

Pilot of Missing Jet Disappeared Too

June 23, 2003
Pierre Thomas writes in that Benjamin Padilla, who piloted the Boeing 727 that vanished after taking off in Africa, has disappeared as well. "I am concerned that he might have been hijacked," says Padilla's brother, Joseph. The plane took... continued

Subscriber Section–What’s Available, What’s Coming

June 21, 2003
Dreamland is still free and will always remain free, but our subscribers also enjoy a wealth of fascinating interviews, Whitley's insights, and store coupons. Plus, this week, our video section opens! Keep reading to find out what's available to subsribers... continued

An Animated Marriage

June 20, 2003
Once again brings us a wonderful animation: The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing by the group who call themselves Sutoresu. Can you be married to one type of female, yet be attracted by another? Watch the animated answer. NOTE:... continued

Jesus Box Called a Fake

June 20, 2003
A stone box that may be the oldest evidence of the life of Jesus has been declared a fake by archaeologists. The ossuary is the kind that was used by Jewish families to bury the bones of relatives in the... continued

Global Warming Removed from EPA Report

June 20, 2003
The White House has removed references to problems caused by global warming from next week's Environmental Protection Agency report on the state of the environment. The report was commissioned in 2001 by EPA head Christie Whitman, who is leaving her... continued