Global Warming Removed from EPA Report

June 20, 2003
The White House has removed references to problems caused by global warming from next week's Environmental Protection Agency report on the state of the environment. The report was commissioned in 2001 by EPA head Christie Whitman, who is leaving her... continued

New Wave of Cat Mutilations

June 20, 2003
Brandon Griggs writes in the Salt Lake Tribune that a wave of cat mutilations is going on there. Our Dreamland science reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, has reported on similar mutilations from all over the country, yet this story, like most... continued

Dreamland: Getting Ready for Contact

June 20, 2003
Dreamland is always free. To listen, click on "Listen Now" on the upper right side of the masthead above, under the word Dreamland. You need the free Windows Media Player to listen. To get it, click here. Mars is going... continued

Iraqi News Says Saddam Captured by U.S.

June 20, 2003
The Iraqi newspaper Sada Al Watan says a unit of the U.S. Fourth Infantry Division captured Saddam Hussein, his son Qusay and his secretary Abid Hamid Mahmoud Tikriti in a farmhouse in Tikrit earlier this week, but U.S. Central Command... continued

Clone that Tree!

June 19, 2003
When you find the oldest tree in the world, what do you do??You clone it, of course. The gnarled and twisted Methuselah bristlecone pine, discovered in the California mountains, isn't very pretty, but it is almost 5,000 years old, making... continued

New Way to Catch Killers

June 19, 2003
FBI profilers have recently identified several serial killers as being white?when they were actually black?which may have delayed their capture. Since race is one of the easiest ways to identify someone, police departments want to figure out how to identify... continued


June 19, 2003
Sixty descendents of the Hatfield and McCoy families, who waged Appalachia's most famous feud, have signed a truce. At least a dozen people from both families were killed in over 100 years of fighting. The whole thing started with an... continued

Is Your Stuff Fake?

June 19, 2003
Michael S. James writes for that the scotch you love to drink, your favorite shampoo, that watch you like to wear?all these and many other items you use and own could all be fakes. There are fake versions of... continued

Why are We the Only Hairless Ones?

June 18, 2003
While men are agonizing about going bald, scientists are wondering why humans are so hairless. Our close cousins the chimps have no hair loss problems. Researchers think we humans may have lost our body hair so we'd have fewer parasites.... continued

Weeds are Good

June 18, 2003
Jennifer Viegas writes in Discovery News that if our flowers and vegetables are surrounded by weeds, they're less likely to be attacked by insects. By adding and removing weeds from around test plants, horticulturists Stan Finch and Rosemary Collier found... continued